2023 Circular Bioeconomy in a Decarbonised World Symposium

Experts and researchers interested in circular economy and waste minimisation attended the 2023 Circular Bioeconomy in a Decarbonised World Symposium.

The symposium saw the exchange of ideas and knowledge about global challenges in net-zero emission, circular economy and clean energy, and presentations from keynote speakers.

Industry and government experts, academics and early- and mid-career researchers (EMCRs) were in attendance, with EMCRs presenting their research findings.

Event details

The 2023 Circular Bioeconomy in a Decarbonised World Symposium was held over two days in June at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. 

  • Date: 15-16 June 2023
  • Venue: Level 3, Room 309, Steele Building, UQ St Lucia

For more information about this symposium, email Dr Shadi Kafimallak at s.kafimallak@uq.edu.au.

About Brisbane

See the Visit Brisbane website for information about Brisbane, including accommodation, things to do, and transport.


We aim to:

  • jointly propose innovative solutions and policies to reduce biomass waste and carbon emissions and address energy security while providing economic opportunities for creating value-adding biochemicals and fuels
  • enhance research and teaching collaboration and create an environment conducive to the exchange of knowledge, ideas and best practice to achieve greater research impact in low-carbon, circular economies
  • engage and increase the involvement of EMCRs in symposium events
  • produce cutting-edge publications and relevant research outputs that address pressing global challenges in net-zero emission, circular economy and clean energy.

Discussion topics

  • Biohydrogen
  • Bioindustries
  • Biomanufacturing
  • Biomass wastes
  • Careers in circular bioeconomy
  • Circular bioeconomy
  • Circularity in waste management
  • Circularity of chemicals and materials
  • Decarbonisation
  • Green energy and fuel
  • Sustainable product design

The 2023 Circular Bioeconomy in a Decarbonised World Symposium supports current global decarbonisation efforts by industries and governments to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

We will collaborate on a project to:

  • develop system science-based solutions that meet the challenges of waste, GHG emissions and energy security through circular economy (waste to wealth) 
  • manufacture value-adding products such as energy, hydrogen, fuels and chemicals.

Our project will indirectly support the Queensland Government’s commitment to identify and upscale its biomanufacturing capability (Biofutures Strategy, 2016-2026) and to enhance its bio/renewable energy/fuel uptake in greening the Brisbane 2032 Olympic Games.

Project aims

We aim to:

  • elevate existing partnerships by enhancing collaborations between researchers and groups that have an interest in net-zero emission and circular economy 
  • catalyse trans-institutional and cross‐disciplinary collaborations in learning, discovery and engagement endeavours for climate-smart and circular bioeconomy
  • develop strategic links with industries and governments in partner countries for net-zero emission and circular economy
  • support graduate students and academic collaborations in food, water, waste and energy nexus for low-carbon circular bioeconomy
  • provide a platform for early- and mid-career researchers to meet leaders and experts in the field of circular bioeconomy and relevant areas.

Contact us

To find out more about our project aims and how you can collaborate, email us at s.kafimallak@uq.edu.au.

Symposium program

Day1: 15th Jun (Start: 9am, Finish: 5:30 pm)




Opening remarks by Professor Patrick Moss

Head of School
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science

9:30am-10amKeynote speaker: Professor Robert Speight

Director, Advanced Engineering Biology Future Science Platform
Adjunct Professor at QUT


Coffee Break and EMCRs networking


Presentation 1 +Q&A - (In-person presentation) - Dr. Jennifer Yarnold, Research Fellow, UQ

Title: Policy Options for Circular Agri-Food Systems


Presentation 2 + Q&A - (In Person presentation) - Pradeep Murthy, PhD student, University of Sydney

Title: Optimising CO2 conversion using ruthenium-based nanocatalysts


Presentation 3 + Q&A - (Online presentation from Canada) - Caitlin D'Onofrio, Researcher

Title: How circular economy can be measured and reported for a product, site and organization


Keynote speaker 2: Professor Gerhard (Gary) Schenk

Title: Cell-free biomanufacturing: an emerging technology in synthetic biology

Chair, Engagement & Advancement, Chair, Industry Advisory Board at UQ School of Chemistry & Molecular Biosciences, UQ Sustainable Minerals Institute affiliate, UQ Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology


Lunch break


Training/workshop (1) - Systems Thinking and Dynamics to EMCRs by Dr Russell Richards, UQ Business School

2pm-2:30pmCoffee break and EMCRs Networking


Presentation 4 + Q&A - (Online presentation from Indonesia), Dr Didit Okta Pribadi, Researcher, Research Center for Behavioral and Circular Economic - National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia (BRIN)

Title: Challenges to develop circular bioeconomy in bioresources-based economy country: insights from Indonesia


Presentation 5 + Q&A - (In person presentation), Professor Peter Halley, Professor in polymer processing, School of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology, UQ

Title: Developing sustainable plastics sector: Case study on developing high-performance bioplastics


Keynote speaker 3: Professor Robert Henry

Director, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture & Food Innovation, The University of Queensland


Break and Networking


Keynote speaker 4: Dr Sreedevi Upadhyayula (online)

Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India

4:30pm –4:45pm 

Presentation 6 + Q&A - (In person presentation) - Dr Tara Congo, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UQ

Title: Decarbonising the steel industry with biocoke


Presentation 7+Q&A - (Online presentation from Cyprus/ Greek) - Mr Theoklitos Klitou,

Title: Thermochemical Properties and Life Cycle Assessment of Waste-Spent Coffee Grounds

5pm-5:15pmClosing remarks


Day2: 16th Jun (Start: 9am, Finish: 5:30 pm)




Opening remark by Dr Anthony  (Chair of the symposium), Lecturer in Industrial Ecology and Circular Economy, School of the Environment


Keynote speaker 1: Dr Erin Evans

CEO and speaker, Life Science Queensland

Title: Driving Sustainable Growth: Biomanufacturing and Circular Economy in Queensland


Presentation 1+Q&A, - (In person presentation) - Dr Anya Phelan, Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship & Innovation | Discipline Lead, Department of Business Strategy & Innovation, Griffith Business School

Title: Circular Ecosystem Innovation and Inclusive Economic Development in Western Cape York


Presentation 2+ Q&A - (In-person presentation)-Yoshinari Fukuzawa, Researcher, UQ

Title: Using Life Cycle and Systems Thinking Methods to Support Policy Design for a Decarbonised Circular Agriculture and Bioeconomy: A Review


Coffee break and networking


Keynote speaker 2: Professor Ian O'Hara

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Title: Global and local drivers of the bioeconomy


Presentation 3+ Q&A, (Online presentation from Tokyo)- Associate Professor Aziz, The University of Tokyo

Title: Toward Realization of Clean Hydrogen Economy: Techno-Economic Perspectives of Clean Hydrogen Production and Transportation)


Presentation 4+ Q&A, (In person presentation)-Dr Jerome Ramirez, Postdoctoral Research fellow, Queensland University of Technology

Title: Pathways to adoption of circular economy technologies in the livestock industry


Presentation 5 + Q&A - TBA


Lunch break


Training/workshop (2): LCA by Associate Professor Wahidul Biswas, Deputy Director, Sustainable Engineering Group, Curtin University


Coffee break and EMCRs networking


Panel discussion with experts:

Topic: Bio-hydrogen and Bioproduct Opportunities to Support Circular Bioeconomy

  1. Dr. Marguerite Renouf, Senior Scientist, [lifecycles.com.au]Lifecycles and Adjunct Assoc Prof, QUT Centre for Agriculture and the Bioeconomy.
  2. Mr Brendan Lee, Director at Closed loop
  3. Ms Daniela von Rabenau, Director at CIRCULAR
  4. Professor Aldo Ometto, visiting professor at Griffith University and an associate professor at the University of São Paulo (Brazil).
  5. Dr Rodrigo Salvador, Assistant Professor, Technical University of Denmark
  6. Dr Anthony Halog, UQ


Presentation 6+Q&A: (Online Presentation from Perth)-Daniela Rivas-Aybar, PhD candidate, Curtin University - Sustainable Engineering Group,

Title: Environmental life cycle assessment of a novel hemp-based building material


Presentation 7+Q&A: (Online presentation from Denmark)-Dr Rodrigo Salvador, Assistant Professor, Technical University of Denmark (DTU),

Title: Finding Paths for Upcycling Biomass Waste: An Open Innovation Approach


EMCRs networking and coffee break


Closing remarks


UQ St Lucia tour


Post-symposium resources

Post-symposium resources can be accessed via Google Classroom.

australian academy of science logoGlobal demand for expertise in net-zero emission, circular economy and bioeconomy to address climate change and energy security issues is ever-growing.

This symposium provides opportunities to build your knowledge of circular bioeconomy and associated fields, network with experts and attend training sessions. The Australian Academy of Science's Theo Murphy Initiative encourages and supports EMCR participation in this symposium.

Over the two days, you’ll learn from experts and keynote speakers, and get the chance to:

  • attend workshops and receive training in the interdisciplinary method of systems thinking, modelling and analysis
  • build collaborations with established researchers and industry experts in Australia and overseas 
  • enhance your job opportunities in Australia and overseas.

Submit your abstract

Your abstract:

  • should be within any of the topic areas listed in this website

  • should be up to 750 words

  • will be reviewed for quality (Novel) and importance (meets strategic and economic needs).

Organising committee

UQ School of the Environment



  • Professor Peter Halley, Professor in polymer processing, School of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology 
  • Dr Anthony Halog, Lecturer in Industrial Ecology and Circular Economy, School of the Environment
  • Dr Shadi Kafimallak, Research Associate, School of the Environment
  • Dr Jennifer Yarnold, Research Fellow, Centre for Policy Futures

Australia-wide and international

  • Dr Ivana Cesarino, Full Professor, Head of Laboratory RESIDUALL – Laboratory of Solid Residues & Composites, São Paulo State University, Brazil
  • Professor Alcides Lopes Leão, Full Professor, Head of Laboratory RESIDUALL – Laboratory of Solid Residues & Composites, São Paulo State University, Brazil
  • Professor Abhijit Majumdar, Chair Professor for Decision Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
  • Dr Anya Phelan, Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Strategy & Innovation, Griffith University
  • Dr Rodrigo Salvador, Assistant Professor, Technical University of Denmark
  • Professor Sreedevi Upadhyayula, Chair Professor for Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
  • Dr Umi Karomah Yaumidin, Head of Research Center for Behavioural and Circular Economics, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia

Post-symposium resources

Post-symposium resources can be accessed via Google Classroom.