This guide supplements the information on how to apply for research projects with the School of the Environment and should be reviewed before accessing the information on this page.

The School offers a range of courses carrying different unit values (which reflects the scale and scope of the research) and durations. Follow these two steps to choose an appropriate course code.

Step 1: 

Use Table 1 to decide on the scale of research and duration. Students can choose to take a #2, #4, #6, or #8 unit research topic course based on the scope and expected workload of the project. The project can be completed over one or two semesters unless otherwise specified.

Table 1: Summary of recommended workload and expectations in ENVM7109-7134. This table should be used as a guide only. Discuss with your supervisor on specific expectations.

No of Units

Number of hours per week of self-directed learning

(Half this if completing over two semesters)

Expected outcome

(This is a guide only. Discuss with your supervisor for outcomes appropriate for your research area) 

Recommended length of proposal and final report Guidance on supervisor's workload: Total number of contact and marking hours
#210 (Single semester only)Provide a significant review and critical analysis of the literature on a particular topic2000, 600010
#420Provide a significant literature review and analysis of secondary data sources to draw conclusions.2000, 800020
#630Provide a significant literature review and analysis of secondary data sources, plus collection of primary data, analysis, and discussion to draw conclusions.2000, 1000030
#840A mini thesis comprises of literature review, grounded methodology, data collection, analysis, discussion and conclusion.2000, 1200040
Step 2: 

Choose when to start the course. Select a course code based on the scale, duration, starting and ending times of your project.

Single-semester course codes:  

#2: ENVM7109 | #4: ENVM7110 | #6: ENVM7125 | #8: ENVM7130

Two-semester-long research course codes:
Number of Units Starting Semester 1

Starting Semester 2

Starting Summer Semester
#4ENVM7120ENVM7118 (submit in Summer semester)
ENVM7121 (submit in following Semester 1)
#6 (#2/#4 split)ENVM7126ENVM7128 (submit in Summer semester)
ENVM7127 (submit in following Semester 1)
#8ENVM7131ENVM7134 (submit in Summer semester)
ENVM7132 (submit in following Semester 1)

Students should also check their program requirement to see if the preferred course is on their program list, or consult their program advisors if they wish to enrol in a course outside of their program. Interested students can also find the course's existing/past ECP (Electronic Course Profile) online for more information on the assessment details and approximate due dates.