Peralkaline magmatic systems in QLD and potential for critical metal enrichment
Highly fractionated peralkaline igneous rocks are globally important sources of rare-earth and other high-field-strength elements. These elements are commonly referred to as critical metals and are important for technological development and transition to a clean energy environment. Until recently these metals have been little explored for in Queensland and consequently, the distribution of peralkaline igneous rocks in the state and their potential for critical-metal enrichment are poorly known. Since recognition of significant enrichments of these elements in the Cenozoic felsic volcanics of the Peak Range in central Queensland (Chandler and Spandler, 2020), GSQ has been working towards gaining a better understanding of the distribution, origin and critical metal potential of peralkaline igneous rocks across the state through the Peralkaline Magmatic Systems Project. An important initial component of this project was to compile a descriptive and geochemical inventory of peralkaline and near-peralkaline igneous rocks in eastern Queensland (Purdy and Bultitude, 2022). This work highlighted the Cenozoic and Cretaceous felsic rocks as having the best prospectivity and identified several suites that required more geochemical data and a better overall geological understanding. The project is now in a data acquisition phase involving significant field work and geochemical data gathering. This presentation will give an overview of the project background and interesting results to date.
Dave Purdy is a Principal Geoscientist at the Geological Survey of Queensland. He has worked on many regional projects across the state focussed on geological mapping, geochemistry and geochronology.
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