Mr Jim Cooper
Casual Principal Researcher
School of the Environment
Chamberlain Building (35), Room 533

Book Chapters
Pullar, David, Bell, Martin, Cooper, Jim, Stimson, Robert and Corcoran, Jonathan (2016). Forecasting patterns of metropolitan growth using an optimised allocation procedure. Demography for planning and policy: Australian case studies. (pp. 109-129) edited by Tom Wilson, Elin Charles-Edwards and Martin Bell. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-22135-9_7
Belll, Martin and Cooper, Jim (2016). Measuring spatial variations in wellness among Australia’s rural aged. Demography for planning and policy: Australian case studies. (pp. 155-174) edited by Tom Wilson, Elin Charles-Edwards and Martin Bell. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-22135-9_9
Journal Articles
Corcoran, Jonathan and Cooper, Jim (2021). The journey to education. Australian Population Studies, 5 (1), 26-33. doi: 10.37970/aps.v5i1.78
Bell, Martin, Charles-Edwards, Elin, Wilson, Tom and Cooper, Jim (2010). Demographic futures for South East Queensland. Australian Planner, 47 (3), 126-134. doi: 10.1080/07293682.2010.509028
Chhetri, Prem, Stimson, Robert, Cooper, Jim, Corcoran, Jonathan, Bell, Martin and Pullar, David (2007). Subjectivity weighted development scenarios for urban allocation: A case study of South East Queensland. Transactions in GIS, 11 (4), 597-619. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9671.2007.01062.x
Conference Papers
Stimson, Robert J., Bell, Martin J., Corcoran, Jonathan, Chhetri, Prem, Pullar, David V., Cooper, James A. and Tiebei Li (2007). Developing a Large Scale Model to simulate growth in the Brisbane-South East Queensland region. 20th Conference for the pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO) 2007, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 6-9 May 2007.
Stimson, Robert J., Bell, Martin J., Corcoran, Jonathan, Chhetri, Prem, Pullar, David V., Cooper, James A. and Tiebei Li (2007). A Large Scale Urban Model to simulate and visualize growth in the Brisbane-South East Queensland region. Place and Purpose, The Capital, Bendigo, Victoria, 30-31 May 2007. Victoria:
Chhetri, P., Corcoran, J., Stimson, R. J., Bell, M. J., Pullar, D. V. and Cooper, J. A. (2006). The application of subjectively weighted attractiveness scenarios for urban allocation modelling. International Geographical Union Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 3-7 July 2006.
Newspaper Article
Pojani, Dorina, Butterworth, Elizabeth, Cooper, Jim, Corcoran, Jonathan and Sipe, Neil (2018, 02 05). Australian cities are far from being meccas for walking and cycling The Conversation
Research Reports
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Bell, Martin, Cooper, Jim and Bernard, Aude (2018). Population shift: Understanding internal migration in Australia. Canberra, ACT Australia: Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Wilson, T. and Cooper, J. (2013). Overview of the new Queensland demographic projection systems. Not available: