Researcher biography


Bachelor of Science in Zoology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Master of Science in Zoology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Master of Conservation Science, The University of Queensland, Australia

Project title:

The evolution of semelparity in animals

Project description:

Understanding population dynamics is the key to managing populations for conservation and sustainable harvesting, and answering a wide range of questions in ecology. Population changes are the direct outcome of current demography (survival and breeding rates), and these depend on an organisms' life history adaptations and constraints. This project aims to determine the mechanisms of age-specific mortality associated with selection for semelparity and early reproduction, and to assess whether these associations align with theoretical predictions of mortality schedules. This investigation will provide insight into the applicability of life history theory predictions across taxa, including demographic and reproductive effort models for the evolution of semelparity.


Associate Professor Diana Fisher (UQ), Dr Simon Blomberg (UQ), Professor Roberto Salguero-Gomez (University of Oxford)