Researcher biography
Dr Keith Adam has an an ongoing involvement in the transport industry, and a particular interest in the rail sector. He was involved in 1994 in the revision of the medical standard for vehicle drivers, and has subsequently been involved in 2004 and 2010/11 in revisions of the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers. He is currently retained as the Chief Medical Adviser by Queensland rail, QRNational, and the Asciano group, including Pacific National. He is also the medical adviser to the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service. He maintains an active clinical role, undertaking more complicated fitness for duty and medicolegal assessments.
Dr Adam has maintained his interest and involvement in the mining industry, since he assisted to revise the medical standard for coal mines in Queensland in 1993. He still visits mine sites regularly to undertake rehabilitation and fitness for duty assessments, and to address specific occupational health issues.
Dr Adam also maintains an active interest in teaching and mentoring occupational medicine registrars. He was for many years the Queensland Censor/Director of Training for the AFOEM, and was awarded a Certificate of Outstanding Service in 1986