Theme: Ecology genetics and evolution, Zoology and wildlife biology 

Description: Lagocheirus funestus is a cerambycid beetle with wood-boring larvae which was introduced into Queensland from Mexico in the 1930’s for the purpose of controlling tree-form invasive cacti. Initial post-release results were promising, with records showing high levels of damage on the weed. However, potentially due to a series of drought years, L. funestus was thought to be extinct from Australia. Recently, two populations of the beetle have been rediscovered in south-east Queensland feeding on Velvet Tree-Pear (Opuntia tomentosa). This project would be mostly field-based and would aim to broaden our understanding of the current distribution, population dynamics, predator interactions, biology, host utilisation and host impact of L. funestus in Queensland.

Additional Information: You will spend a substantial component of your Honours year with associate supervisors from Biosecurity Queensland, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland Government, based at the Boggo Road EcoSciences Precinct. Your principal supervisor (Gurion Ang) will support your professional development and writing. 

Contact: Dr Gurion Ang