All casual academics (in and beyond the School of the Environment) are welcome to attend a development session to:

  • hear stories from experienced tutors about how they have developed their teaching practices
  • learn about career pathways into secondary teaching and learning design
  • pick up tips and tricks about articulating your teaching experience in a CV and during job interviews
  • connect over afternoon tea.


This professional development opportunity is held in hybrid mode: in person at Goddard Building (8), Collaborative Room 388 (afternoon tea provided) and online via Zoom.

Joining instructions will be provided upon registration.


Note: Please check your email address carefully before you submit your registration because this is the only way we'll communicate with you.


2:45pmSetting the scene
Dr Gurion Ang, School of the Environment
2:50pmExperienced tutors will share anecdotes as they reflect on some changes they have implemented in their tutoring practice, that improved understanding of content or performance in an assessment task in their students. Gain some inspiration from their stories and increase your agency as a casual academic. Each presenter will speak for 10 minutess with open discussion throughout the session facilitated by Dr Gurion Ang.
3:30pmSecondary Teaching as a Career Pathway
Professor Robin Shields, Head of School, School of Education
3:40pmLearning Design as a Career Pathway
Dr Linda Deer, School of the Environment
3:45pmArticulating your teaching experience in your CV and at a job interview
Dr Gurion Ang & Dr Linda Deer, School of the Environment
4pmAfternoon tea and networking (provided)

Meet our presenters

Stephanie Heyworth

I’m a third year PhD student studying the sensory ecology of seahorse vision. This involves a lot of molecular and behavioural work, so you’ll either find me in the QBI lab or the SENV aquarium. I love all aspects of biology and have been lucky to tutor a variety of courses over the last few years from BIOL1030 to MARS1001.

Joshua Bloomfield

I’ve recently finished my Honours year in evolutionary biology focusing on microbial ecology. At the moment in addition to casual academic tutoring in BIOL1020, I am exploring my other passions such as science communication and mycology.

Sasha Bacquet-Carlier

I am currently finishing my Bachelor of Environmental Management (Honours), and tutoring GEOG2205. I am very interested in the ramification of climate change on human populations and their behavioural adaptations, especially their migration patterns. I also aspire to explore how scientists and decision-makers can effectively engage with the most affected communities to provide tailored and adaptive support.

Contact us

The session is organised and moderated by Dr Gurion Ang and Dr Nicola Browne.

For queries, please contact:


Goddard Building (8)
Collaborative Room 388

Other upcoming sessions