School groups across Years 10 to 12 Geography are invited to join us for a curriculum aligned day of lectures and practicals that extend core learning from the Geography syllabus.


9amSchool groups arrive.
9:10amKeynote: Megacities: Too big to fail? by Associate Professor Thomas Sigler

One in 5 humans now lives in a megacity, defined as a conurbation with more than 5,000,000 inhabitants. This lecture will explore the similarities among, and differences between, megacities around the world from a historical and demographic perspective.
9:40amPractical: How do you protect the coast from a cyclone? by Dr Daniel Harris

You will act as a coastal manager and make plans to protect a community from coastal erosion and inundation. We test your plans in the lab using our wave flume to see if your actions saved the community or if it eroded away.
10:30amBreak. We ask that you bring your own food and drink. It's a busy time on campus and you may not have enough time to buy food.
10:50amPractical: What can rocks and sands tell us about past environments and tsunami history? by Dr Annie Lau

Understanding the past is the key to forecasting future changes. In this workshop, participants will explore some methods used by physical geographers to interpret environmental and hazard history through the sediment deposits that were left behind. What to expect: pretty photos of (hazardous) landscapes; sediment cores from Queensland and abroad; finding microfossils in sands using microscopes.
11:40amPractical: Predicting, Monitoring and Recovering from Our Next Natural Disaster – Integrating satellite monitoring to increase our disaster resilience by Professor Stuart Phinn

Data derived from satellites are essential for regularly updated, detailed environmental information. In this workshop we will use current satellite data stream to predict, monitor and manage either a major flood or fire event and its impacts.
1pmPep talk and tough love by Dr Gurion Ang


Please email Dr Gurion Ang at with your school name, number of classes attending (and number of students in each class) as well as full name and contact details of accompanying teachers. An email reply confirms your booking.

Joining instructions (including public liability statement and sample data set) will be provided in due course.

The following documents are available to download to assist with your local school approval process:

Activities risk assessment (PDF, 68.2 KB)Bus alighting map - UQ St Lucia campus (PDF, 397.5 KB)


This event is free. Transport to and from our St Lucia campus is at your school's expense. All students receive a limited edition Experience Geographical Science sticker.


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