Professor Paulo Vasconcelos
School of the Environment
+61 7 336 52297
Richards Building (5), Room 210D

Researcher biography
Associate Professor Paulo Vasconcelos' research is in the fields of: Low-T Geochemistry, Economic Geology and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology. He received his PhD from The University of California (Berkeley).
Paolo Vasconcelos research interests cover
- Supergene enrichment in ore deposits
- Isotopic dating of weathering processes
- Exploration geochemistry
- Palaeoclimatology and landscape evolution
- Application of K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar and noble gas systematics to ore deposit genesis
- Origin and geochemistry of gem deposits
His chief research projects are in the areas of:
- Weathering Geochronology, Weathering Geochronology and Landscape Evolution
- Mechanisms and timing of silicification in Australia and the genesis of opal deposits
- Cenozoic Magmatism in North East Brazil and in South East Queensland
- U-He, 40Ar/39Ar, and Re-Os as fingerprints of metal sources in orogenic gold deposits
- U-Th/He dating of iron and manganese oxides
- Cosmogenic 3He generation and retention in goethite and hematite
- Hydrothermal vs. supergene origin of orebodies in banded iron formations in the Hamersley iron province, the Quadrilátero Ferrífero iron province, and the Carajás iron province
- Supergene Enrichment in the Kalahari Manganese Fields, South Africa
- Timing of topaz, emerald and gold mineralization
- 40Ar/39Ar geocronological constraints on postulated hominid fossil sites in Cueva Victoria, Spain
Book Chapters
do Nascimento, Marcos Antonio Leite, de Souza, Zorano Sergio, Arnosio, Jose Marcelo and Vasconcelos, Paulo M.d. (2009). Ignimbrito do Engenho Saco, Ipojuca, PE Registro de vulcanismo explosivo cretacico na Provincia Magmatica do Cabo. Sítios geológicos e paleontológicos do Brasil. (pp. 1-13) edited by M. Winge and et al.. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Comissão Brasileira de Sítios Geológicos e Paleobiológicos (SIGEP).
da Silva, Maria da Glória, Teixeira, João Batista Guimarães, Pimentel, Márcio Martins, Vasconcelos, Paulo Marcos, Arielco, Anselmo and Rocha, Washington de Jesus Sant'Anna da Franca (2006). Geologia e mineralizacoes de Fe-Cu-Au do alvo GT 46 (Igarape Cinzento) Carajas. Caracterização em depósitos minerais em distritos mineiros da Amazônia. (pp. 94-151) edited by Onildo João Marini, Emanuel Teixeira de Queiroz and Benedicto Waldir Ramos. Brasília, Brazil: DNPM-CT/Mineral-ADIMB; República das Letras.
Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (1999). 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Supergene Processes in Ore Deposits. Reviews in Economic Geology. (pp. 73-113) edited by D. Lambert and J. Ruiz. Chelsea, Michigan, USA: Society of Economic Geologists.
Journal Articles
Farley, K. A., Monteiro, H. B., Vasconcelos, P. M. and Waltenberg, K. (2024). Dehydration of goethite during vacuum step-heating and implications for he retentivity characterization. Chemical Geology, 663 122254, 122254. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122254
Farley, K.A., Treffkorn, J., Vasconcelos, P.M., Monteiro, H.S., Miller, H.B. and Eiler, J.E. (2024). The δ18O contrast between bulk goethite and water extracted from it does not reliably reveal goethite growth temperature. Chemical Geology, 663 122287, 122287. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024.122287
Yang, Tao, Petronotis, Katerina E., Acton, Gary D., Zhao, Xixi, Chemale Jr, Farid and Vasconcelos, Paulo M. (2024). Remagnetization of pre-fan sediments offshore sumatra: alteration associated with seismogenic diagenetic strengthening. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 129 (8) e2023JB028460. doi: 10.1029/2023JB028460
Conceição, Fabiano T., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Navarro, Guillermo R.B. and Farley, Kenneth A. (2024). 40Ar/39Ar and (U-Th)/He constraints on emplacement, exhumation, and weathering of alkaline-carbonatite complexes in the Alto Paranaíba Igneous Province (APIP), Brazil. Gondwana Research, 130, 116-130. doi: 10.1016/
Barros, Carlos Eduardo De Mesquita, Fassbinder, Elvo, Vasconcelos, Paulo Marcos, Fiori, Alberto Pio and Bueno, Nicole Favoreto de Souza (2024). Kinematics, recrystallization mechanisms and Ar-Ar ages in Cal shear zone, Curitiba microplate, central Mantiqueira province, Brazil. Boletim Paranaense de Geociências, 81 (1). doi: 10.5380/geo.v81i1.91439
de Mahiques, Michel Michaelovitch, Schattner, Uri, Riccomini, Claudio, de Assis Janasi, Valdecir, Lobo, Francisco José, Vasconcelos, Paulo, Thiede, David S., Ramos, Raissa Basti and Felicio dos Santos, Rosangela (2023). Submarine basalt xenoliths confirm the occurrence of post-rift volcanism in the Southern Santos Basin, SW Atlantic. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 132 104661. doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2023.104661
De Campos, Daniela S., Monteiro, Hevelyn S., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Farley, Kenneth A., Silva, Alexandre Christófaro and Vidal‐Torrado, Pablo (2023). A new model of bauxitization in quartzitic landscapes: a case study from the Southern Espinhaço Range (Brazil). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48 (14), 2788-2807. doi: 10.1002/esp.5660
Crossingham, T. J., Ubide, T., Vasconcelos, P. M. and Knesel, K. M. (2023). Petrogenesis of the Hoy lava field, a long-lived continental mafic volcanic province in eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 70 (8), 1139-1158. doi: 10.1080/08120099.2023.2234971
Hernandez, Juan S., Archanjo, Carlos J., Hollanda, Maria Helena B. M., Vasconcelos, Paulo M. and Souza, Laécio C. (2023). U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and tectonic setting of the peralkaline magmatism in the Borborema Province (NE Brazil). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 127 104392, 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2023.104392
Carvas, K. Z., Marques, L. S., Vasconcelos, P. M. and Ubide, T. (2023). Tracking the transition from a Gondwana LIP to the South Atlantic Ocean with geochronological and geochemical indicators. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128 (5) e2022JB025816, 1-21. doi: 10.1029/2022jb025816
Tapu, A. T., Ubide, T. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2023). Increasing complexity in magmatic architecture of volcanoes along a waning hotspot. Nature Geoscience, 16 (4), 371-379. doi: 10.1038/s41561-023-01156-9
Andrade, Claudio, Sobczak, Kasia, Vasconcelos, Paulo, Holl, Heinz-Gerd, Hurter, Suzanne and Allen, Charlotte (2023). U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology of the middle to upper Jurassic strata in the Surat Basin: new insights into provenance, paleogeography, and source-sink processes in eastern Australia. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 149 106122, 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2023.106122
Giovanardi, Tommaso, da Costa, Paulo Cesar Corrêa, Girardi, Vicente A.V., Weska, Ricardo K., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Thiede, David S., Mazzucchelli, Maurizio and Cipriani, Anna (2022). Age, geochemistry and mantle source of the Alto Diamantino basalts: insights on NW Paraná Magmatic Province. Lithos, 426-427 106797, 1-17. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2022.106797
Monteiro, H. S., Vasconcelos, P. M., Farley, K. A., Mello, C. L. and Conceição, F. T. (2022). Long-term vegetation-induced goethite and hematite dissolution-reprecipitation along the Brazilian Atlantic margin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 601 111137, 1-18. doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.111137
Farley, K. A., Stack, K. M., Shuster, D. L., Horgan, B. H. N., Hurowitz, J. A., Tarnas, J. D., Simon, J. I., Sun, V. Z., Scheller, E. L., Moore, K. R., McLennan, S. M., Vasconcelos, P. M., Wiens, R. C., Treiman, A. H., Mayhew, L. E., Beyssac, O., Kizovski, T. V., Tosca, N. J., Williford, K. H., Crumpler, L. S., Beegle, L. W., Bell, J. F., Ehlmann, B. L., Liu, Y., Maki, J. N., Schmidt, M. E., Allwood, A. C., Amundsen, H. E. F., Bhartia, R. ... Zorzano, M-P. (2022). Aqueously altered igneous rocks sampled on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars. Science, 377 (6614) eabo2196, 1-19. doi: 10.1126/science.abo2196
Campbell, Matthew J., Mortimer, Nick, Rosenbaum, Gideon, Allen, Charlotte M., Vasconcelos, Paulo M. and Campbell, Hamish J. (2022). Age and structure of the Permian Brook Street Terrane, Takitimu Mountains, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 66 (3), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/00288306.2022.2105903
da Conceição, Fabiano T., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Godoy, Letícia H., Navarro, Guillermo R.B., Montibeller, Cibele C. and Sardinha, Diego S. (2022). Water/rock interactions, chemical weathering and erosion, and supergene enrichment in the Tapira and Catalão I alkaline‑carbonatite complexes, Brazil. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 237 106999, 106999. doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2022.106999
Tapu, A. T., Ubide, T. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2022). Plumbing system architecture of late-stage hotspot volcanoes in eastern Australia. Journal of Petrology, 63 (3) egac015, 1-24. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egac015
Almeida, M. E., Nascimento, R. S.C., Mendes, T. A., Santos, J. O.S., Macambira, M. J.B., Vasconcelos, P. and Pinheiro, S. S. (2022). An outline of Paleoproterozoic-Mesoproterozoic crustal evolution of the NW Amazon craton and implications for the Columbia Supercontinent. International Geology Review, 64 (22), 1-35. doi: 10.1080/00206814.2021.2025158
McCurry, Matthew R., Cantrill, David J., Smith, Patrick M., Beattie, Robert, Dettmann, Mary, Baranov, Viktor, Magee, Charles, Nguyen, Jacqueline M.T., Forster, Marnie A., Hinde, Jack, Pogson, Ross, Wang, Helen, Marjo, Christopher E., Vasconcelos, Paulo and Frese, Michael (2022). A Lagerstätte from Australia provides insight into the nature of Miocene mesic ecosystems. Science Advances, 8 (1) eabm1406, eabm1406. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abm1406
Gomes, Allan Silva, Vasconcelos, Paulo Marcos, Ubide, Teresa and Vasconcellos, Eleonora Maria Gouvêa (2022). Magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of mafic pegmatites and their host basalts, Paraná Large Igneous Province, Brazil. Lithos, 408-409 106547, 1-22. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106547
White, L., Vasconcelos, P. M., Ávila, J. N., Ubide, T. and Ireland, T. R. (2021). Crystallographic and crystallochemical controls on oxygen isotope analysis of hematite by SIMS. Chemical Geology, 583 120461, 120461. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120461
Gomes, Allan Silva and Vasconcelos, Paulo Marcos (2021). Geochronology of the Paraná-Etendeka large igneous province. Earth-Science Reviews, 220 103716, 1-34. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103716
Zuccolan Carvas, Karine, Marcos de Paula Vasconcelos, Paulo, Soares Marques, Leila, Ubide, Teresa, de Oliveira Carmo, Isabela and Babinski, Marly (2021). Geochronology of mafic magmatism and hydrothermal alteration during early stages of South Atlantic opening. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 314, 358-380. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.08.017
Liu, Li, Ireland, Trevor R., Holden, Peter, Ávila, Janaina, Vasconcelos, Paulo and Mavrogenes, John (2021). Sources of auriferous fluids associated with a Neoarchean BIF-hosted orogenic gold deposit revealed by the multiple sulfur isotopic compositions of zoned pyrites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 176 (4) 29, 1-22. doi: 10.1007/s00410-021-01788-3
Levett, Alan, Gagen, Emma, Paz, Anat, Vasconcelos, Paulo and Southam, Gordon (2021). Strategising the bioremediation of Brazilian iron ore mines. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 52 (15), 2749-2771. doi: 10.1080/10643389.2021.1896346
Schaen, Allen J., Jicha, Brian R., Hodges, Kip V., Vermeesch, Pieter, Stelten, Mark E., Mercer, Cameron M., Phillips, David, Rivera, Tiffany A., Jourdan, Fred, Matchan, Erin L., Hemming, Sidney R., Morgan, Leah E., Kelley, Simon P., Cassata, William S., Heizler, Matt T., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Benowitz, Jeff A., Koppers, Anthony A.P., Mark, Darren F., Niespolo, Elizabeth M., Sprain, Courtney J., Hames, Willis E., Kuiper, Klaudia F., Turrin, Brent D., Renne, Paul R., Ross, Jake, Nomade, Sebastien, Guillou, Hervé, Webb, Laura E. ... Singer, Brad S. (2021). Interpreting and reporting 40Ar/39Ar geochronologic data. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 133 (3-4), 461-487. doi: 10.1130/B35560.1
Gomes, Allan Silva, Vasconcelos, Paulo Marcos and Carmo, Isabela de Oliveira (2021). Quantifying the effects of alteration and acid treatment for whole-rock basalt Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology. Chemical Geology, 560 119998, 119998. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119998
Martin, Peter E., Farley, Kenneth A., Malespin, Charles A., Mahaffy, Paul R., Edgett, Kenneth S., Gupta, Sanjeev, Dietrich, William E., Malin, Michael C., Stack, Kathryn M. and Vasconcelos, Paulo M. (2021). Billion-year exposure ages in Gale crater (Mars) indicate Mount Sharp formed before the Amazonian period. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 554 116667. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116667
Levett, Alan, Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Jones, Michael M. W., Rintoul, Llew, Paz, Anat, Gagen, Emma J. and Southam, Gordon (2021). Titanium mobility preserved in association with microfossils in an iron-rich duricrust capping an iron ore deposit. Chemical Geology, 559 119955, 119955. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119955
Zhang, Junjie, Guo, Pengyuan, Sun, Pu, Niu, Yaoling, Xiao, Yuanyuan and Vasconcelos, Paulo M. (2021). Petrogenesis of the early Cretaceous intra-plate basalts from the Western North China Craton: implications for the origin of the metasomatized cratonic lithospheric mantle. Lithos, 380-381 105887. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105887
Giraldo-Arroyave, Maria Isabel, Vlach, Silvio Roberto Farias and Vasconcelos, Paulo Marcos (2021). New high-precision 40Ar/39Ar ages for the Serra do Mar alkaline magmatism in the São Sebastião Island, SE Brazil, and implications. Brazilian Journal of Geology, 51 (4) e20210046. doi: 10.1590/2317-4889202120210046
Van Niekerk, H. S., Armstrong, R. and Vasconcelos, P. (2020). The grenvillian assembly of rodinia: timing of accretion on the western margin of the kalahari (kaapvaal) craton. South African Journal of Geology, 123 (4), 441-464. doi: 10.25131/sajg.123.0042
Ren, Z. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2020). Mechanisms and kinetics of argon diffusion in hypogene and supergene jarosites: implications for geochronology and surficial geochemistry on Earth and Mars. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 289, 207-224. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2020.08.019
Gagen, Emma J., Levett, Alan, Paz, Anat, Bostelmann, Heike, Valadares, Rafael Borges da Silva, Bitencourt, José Augusto Pires, Gastauer, Markus, Nunes, Gisele Lopes, Oliveira, Guilherme, Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Tyson, Gene W. and Southam, Gordon (2020). Accelerating microbial iron cycling promotes re‐cementation of surface crusts in iron ore regions. Microbial Biotechnology, 13 (6) 1751-7915.13646, 1960-1971. doi: 10.1111/1751-7915.13646
Bárbara de Medeiros Fernandes, Luanny, Ferraz Jardim de Sá, Emanuel, Marcos de Paula Vasconcelos, Paulo and Centurion Córdoba, Valéria (2020). Structural controls and 40Ar/39Ar geochronological data of basic dike swarms in the eastern domain of the Parnaíba Basin, northeast Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 101 102601, 102601. doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2020.102601
Levett, Alan, Gagen, Emma J., Zhao, Yitian, Vasconcelos, Paulo M. and Southam, Gordon (2020). Biocement stabilization of an experimental-scale artificial slope and the reformation of iron-rich crusts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (31), 18347-18354. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2001740117
Levett, Alan, Gagen, Emma J., Rintoul, Llew, Guagliardo, Paul, Diao, Hui, Vasconcelos, Paulo M. and Southam, Gordon (2020). Characterisation of iron oxide encrusted microbial fossils. Scientific Reports, 10 (1) 9889, 9889. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-66830-z
Miller, Hayden B.D., Farley, Kenneth A., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Mostert, Albert and Eiler, John M. (2020). Intracrystalline site preference of oxygen isotopes in goethite: a single-mineral paleothermometer. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 539 116237, 116237. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116237
Levett, Alan, Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Gagen, Emma J., Rintoul, Llew, Spier, Carlos, Guagliardo, Paul and Southam, Gordon (2020). Microbial weathering signatures in lateritic ferruginous duricrusts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 538 116209, 1-16. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116209
Levett, Alan, Gagen, Emma J., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Zhao, Yitian, Paz, Anat and Southam, Gordon (2020). Biogeochemical cycling of iron: implications for biocementation and slope stabilisation. Science of The Total Environment, 707 136128, 136128. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136128
Monteiro, H. S., Vasconcelos, P. M., Farley, K. A., Ávila, J. N., Miller, H. B.D., Holden, P. and Ireland, T. R. (2020). Protocols for in situ measurement of oxygen isotopes in goethite by ion microprobe. Chemical Geology, 533 119436, 119436. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119436
Conceição, Fabiano T., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Godoy, Letícia H. and Navarro, Guillermo R.B. (2020). 40Ar/39Ar geochronological evidence for multiple magmatic events during the emplacement of Tapira alkaline-carbonatite complex, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 97 102416, 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2019.102416
Ren, Z. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2019). Argon diffusion in hypogene and supergene alunites: implications to geochronology and thermochronometry on Earth and Mars. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 262, 166-187. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.07.014
Ren, Z. and Vasconcelos, P.M. (2019). Quantifying 39Ar recoil in natural hypogene and supergene alunites and jarosites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 260, 84-98. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.06.019
Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Farley, Kenneth A., Stone, John, Piacentini, Thiago and Fifield, L. Keith (2019). Stranded landscapes in the humid tropics: Earth's oldest land surfaces. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 519, 152-164. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.04.014
Gagen, Emma J., Levett, Alan, Paz, Anat, Gastauer, Markus, Caldeira, Cecílio Frois, Valadares, Rafael Borges da Silva, Bitencourt, José Augusto Pires, Alves, Ronnie, Oliveira, Guilherme, Siqueira, Jose Oswaldo, Vasconcelos, Paulo M. and Southam, Gordon (2019). Biogeochemical processes in canga ecosystems: armoring of iron ore against erosion and importance in iron duricrust restoration in Brazil. Ore Geology Reviews, 107, 573-586. doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.03.013
Sacek, Victor, de Morais Neto, João Marinho, Vasconcelos, Paulo Marcos and de Oliveira Carmo, Isabela (2019). Numerical Modeling of Weathering, Erosion, Sedimentation, and Uplift in a Triple Junction Divergent Margin. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20 (5) 2018GC008124, 2334-2354. doi: 10.1029/2018GC008124
Henne, A., Craw, D., Vasconcelos, P. and Southam, G. (2018). Bioleaching of waste material from the Salobo mine, Brazil: recovery of refractory copper from Cu hosted in silicate minerals. Chemical Geology, 498, 72-82. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.08.029
Sui, Ji-Xiang, Li, Jian-Wei, Jin, Xiao-Ye, Vasconcelos, Paulo and Zhu, Rui (2018). 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb constraints on the age of the Zaozigou gold deposit, Xiahe-Hezuo district, West Qinling orogen, China: Relation to early Triassic reduced intrusions emplaced during slab rollback. Ore Geology Reviews, 101, 885-899. doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.08.014
Wu, Ya-Fei, Li, Jian-Wei, Evans, Katy, Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Thiede, David S., Fougerouse, Denis and Rempel, Kirsten (2018). Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age of the Daqiao gold deposit, West Qinling Orogen, China: implications for regional metallogeny. Mineralium Deposita, 54 (4), 631-644. doi: 10.1007/s00126-018-0835-z
Levett, Alan, Gagen, Emma J., Diao, Hui, Guagliardo, Paul, Rintoul, Llew, Paz, Anat, Vasconcelos, Paulo M. and Southam, Gordon (2018). The role of aluminium in the preservation of microbial biosignatures. Geoscience Frontiers, 10 (3), 1125-1138. doi: 10.1016/j.gsf.2018.06.006
Belousov, A., Belousova, M., Zaw, Khin, Streck, M. J., Bindeman, I., Meffre, S. and Vasconcelos, P. (2018). Holocene eruptions of Mt. Popa, Myanmar: volcanological evidence of the ongoing subduction of Indian Plate along Arakan Trench. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 360, 126-138. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.06.010
Crossingham, T. J., Ubide, T., Vasconcelos, P. M. and Mallmann, G. (2018). Parallel plumbing systems feeding a pair of coeval volcanoes in eastern Australia. Journal of Petrology, 59 (6), 1035-1065. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egy054
Farias Vlach, Silvio Roberto, Gustavo Jose Ulbrich, Horstpeter Herberto, Costas Ulbrich, Mabel Norma and Vasconcelos, Paulo Marcos (2018). Melanite-bearing nepheline syenite fragments and Ar-40/Ar-39 age of phlogopite megacrysts in conduit breccia from the Pocos de Caldas Alkaline Massif (MG/SP), and implications. Brazilian Journal of Geology, 48 (2), 391-402. doi: 10.1590/2317-4889201820170095
Gomes, Celso de Barros, Azzone, Rogerio Guitarrari, Ruberti, Excelso, de Vasconcelos, Paulo Marcos, Sato, Kei and Enrich Rojas, Gaston Eduardo (2018). New age determinations for the Banhadao and Itapirapua complexes in the Ribeira Valley, southern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Geology, 48 (2), 403-414. doi: 10.1590/2317-4889201820170094
Monteiro, H. S., Vasconcelos, P. M. P., Farley, K. A. and Lopes, C. A. M. (2018). Age and evolution of diachronous erosion surfaces in the Amazon: Combining (U-Th)/He and cosmogenic 3He records. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 229, 162-183. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2018.02.045
Crossingham, Tracey J., Ubide, Teresa, Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Knesel, Kurt M. and Mallmann, Guilherme (2018). Temporal constraints on magma generation and differentiation in a continental volcano: Buckland, eastern Australia. Lithos, 302-303, 341-358. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2018.01.009
Vasconcelos, Paulo M. and Carmo, Isabela de O. (2018). Calibrating denudation chronology through 40Ar/39Ar weathering geochronology. Earth-Science Reviews, 179, 411-435. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.01.003
Monteiro, H. S., Vasconcelos, P. M. P. and Farley, K. A. (2018). A Combined (U-Th)/He and Cosmogenic 3He Record of Landscape Armoring by Biogeochemical Iron Cycling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123 (2), 298-323. doi: 10.1002/2017JF004282
Gagen, Emma J., Levett, Alan, Shuster, Jeremiah, Fortin, Danielle, Vasconcelos, Paulo M. and Southam, Gordon (2018). Microbial diversity in actively forming iron oxides from weathered banded iron formation systems. Microbes and Environments, 33 (4), 385-393. doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME18019
Martin, P. E., Farley, K. A., Baker, M. B., Malespin, C. A., Schwenzer, S. P., Cohen, B. A., Mahaffy, P. R., Mcadam, A. C., Ming, D. W., Vasconcelos, P. M. and Navarro-González, R. (2017). A Two-Step K-Ar Experiment on Mars: Dating the Diagenetic Formation of Jarosite from Amazonian Groundwaters. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 122 (12), 2803-2818. doi: 10.1002/2017JE005445
Miller, Hayden B. D., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Eiler, John M. and Farley, Kenneth A. (2017). A Cenozoic terrestrial paleoclimate record from He dating and stable isotope geochemistry of goethites from Western Australia. Geology, 45 (10), 895-898. doi: 10.1130/G38989.1
Crossingham, Tracey J., Vasconcelos, Paolo M., Cunningham, Toby and Knesel, Kurt M. (2017). 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and volume estimates of the Tasmantid Seamounts: support for a change in the motion of the Australian plate. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 343, 95-108. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.06.014
Jones, Isabelle, Verdel, Charles, Crossingham, Tracey and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2017). Animated reconstructions of the late cretaceous to cenozoic northward migration of Australia, and implications for the generation of east Australian mafic magmatism. Geosphere, 13 (2) 4051, 460-481. doi: 10.1130/GES01405.1
Levett, Alan, Gagen, Emma, Shuster, Jeremiah, Rintoul, Llew, Tobin, Mark, Vongsvivut, Jitraporn, Bambery, Keith, Vasconcelos, Paulo and Southam, Gordon (2016). Evidence of biogeochemical processes in iron duricrust formation. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 71, 131-142. doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2016.06.016
Vasconcelos, P. M., Farley, K. A., Malespin, C. A., Mahaffy, P., Ming, D., McLennan, S. M., Hurowitz, J. A. and Rice, M. S. (2016). Discordant K-Ar and young exposure dates for the Windjana sandstone, Kimberley, Gale Crater, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 121 (10), 2176-2192. doi: 10.1002/2016JE005017
Ngonge, Emmanuel Donald, de Hollanda, Maria Helena Bezerra Maia, Archanjo, Carlos Jose, de Oliveira, Diogenes Custodio, Vasconcelos, Paulo Marcosde Paula and Munoz, Patricio Rodrigo Montecinos (2016). Petrology of continental tholeiitic magmas forming a 350-km-long Mesozoic dyke swarm in NE Brazil: constraints of geochemical and isotopic data. Lithos, 258-259, 228-252. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2016.04.008
Riffel, Silvana B., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Carmo, Isabela O. and Farley, Kenneth A. (2016). Goethite (U-Th)/He geochronology and precipitation mechanisms during weathering of basalts. Chemical Geology, 446, 18-32. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.03.033
Deng, Xiao-Dong, Li, Jian-Wei and Vasconcelos, Paulo M. (2016). 40Ar/39Ar dating of supergene Mn-oxides from the Zunyi Mn deposit, Guizhou Plateau, SW China: implications for chemical weathering and paleoclimatic evolution since the late Miocene. Chemical Geology, 445, 185-198. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.02.009
Reich, Martin and Vasconcelos, Paulo M. (2015). Geological and economic significance of supergene metal deposits. Elements, 11 (5), 305-310. doi: 10.2113/gselements.11.5.305
Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Reich, Martin and Shuster, David L. (2015). The paleoclimatic signatures of supergene metal deposits. Elements, 11 (5), 317-322. doi: 10.2113/gselements.11.5.317
Campanha, G. A. C., Faleiros, F. M., Basei, M. A. S., Tassinari, C. C. G., Nutman, A. P. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2015). Geochemistry and age of mafic rocks from the Votuverava Group, southern Ribeira Belt, Brazil: evidence for 1490Ma oceanic back-arc magmatism. Precambrian Research, 266, 530-550. doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2015.05.026
Riffel, Silvana B., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Carmo, Isabela O. and Farley, Kenneth A. (2015). Combined 40Ar/39Ar and (U-Th)/He geochronological constraints on long-term landscape evolution of the Second Paraná Plateau and its ruiniform surface features, Paraná, Brazil. Geomorphology, 233, 52-63. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.10.041
Deng, Xiao-Dong, Li, Jian-Wei, Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Cohen, Benjamin E. and Kusky, Timothy M. (2014). Geochronology of the Baye Mn oxide deposit, southern Yunnan Plateau: implications for the late Miocene to Pleistocene paleoclimatic conditions and topographic evolution. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 139, 227-247. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.04.036
Manaka, Takayuki, Zaw, Khin, Meffre, Sebastien, Vasconcelos, Paulo, Golding, Sue and Cairns, Cameron (2014). The Ban Houayxai epithermal Au-Ag deposit in the Northern Lao PDR: mineralization related to the Early Permian arc magmatism of the Truong Son Fold Belt. Gondwana Research, 26 (1), 185-197. doi: 10.1016/
Monteiro,Hevelyn S., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Farley, Kenneth A., Spier, Carlos A. and Mello, Claudio L. (2014). (U-Th)/He geochronology of goethite and the origin and evolution of cangas. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 131, 267-289. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.01.036
Li, Pengfei, Rosenbaum, Gideon and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2014). Chronological constraints on the Permian geodynamic evolution of eastern Australia. Tectonophysics, 617, 20-30. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.01.013
Li, Jian-Wei, Vasconcelos P.M., Zhou, Mei-Fu, Deng, Xiao-Dong, Cohen B., Bi, Shi-Jian, Zhao, Xin-Fu and Selby, David (2014). Longevity of magmatic-hydrothermal systems in the Daye Cu-Fe-Au District, eastern China with implications for mineral exploration. Ore Geology Reviews, 57, 375-392. doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.08.002
Ollila, Ann M., Newsom, Horton E., Clark III, Benton, Wiens, Roger C., Cousin, Agnes, Blank, Jen G., Mangold, Nicolas, Sautter, Violaine, Maurice, Sylvestre, Clegg, Samuel M., Gasnault, Olivier, Forni, Olivier, Tokar, Robert, Lewin, Eric, Dyar, M. Darby, Lasue, Jeremie, Anderson, Ryan, McLennan, Scott M., Bridges, John, Vaniman, Dave, Lanza, Nina, Fabre, Cecile, Melikechi, Noureddine, Perrett, Glynis M., Campbell, John L., King, Penelope L., Barraclough, Bruce, Delapp, Dorothea, Johnstone, Stephen ... Vasconcelos, Paulo (2014). Trace element geochemistry (Li, Ba, Sr, and Rb) using Curiosity's ChemCam: early results for Gale crater from Bradbury Landing Site to Rocknest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 119 (Early View) (1), 1-31. doi: 10.1002/2013JE004517
Klein, Evandro Luiz, Tassinari, Colombo Celso Gaeta and Vasconcelos, Paulo Marcos (2014). U-Pb SHRIMP and 40Ar/39Ar constraints on the timing of mineralization in the Paleoproterozoic Caxias orogenic gold deposit, São Luís cratonic fragment, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Geology, 44 (2), 277-288. doi: 10.5327/Z2317-4889201400020008
Farley, K. A., Malespin, C., Mahaffy, P., Grotzinger, J. P., Vasconcelos, P. M., Milliken, R. E., Malin, M., Edgett, K. S., Pavlov, A. A., Hurowitz, J. A., Grant, J. A., Miller, H. B., Arvidson, R., Beegle, L., Calef, F., Conrad, P. G., Dietrich, W. E., Eigenbrode, J., Gellert, R., Gupta, S., Hamilton, V., Hassler, D. M., Lewis, K. W., McLennan, S. M., Ming, D., Navarro-González, R., Schwenzer, S. P., Steele, A., Stolper, E. M. ... Vasconcelos, Paulo (2014). In situ radiometric and exposure age dating of the Martian surface. Science, 343 (6169) 1247166, 1247166.1-1247166.9. doi: 10.1126/science.1247166
Shaanan, Uri, Rosenbaum, Gideon, Li, Pengfei and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2014). Structural evolution of the early Permian Nambucca Block (New England Orogen, eastern Australia) and implications for oroclinal bending. Tectonics, 33 (7), 1425-1443. doi: 10.1002/2013TC003426
Vaniman, D. T., Bish, D. L., Ming, D. W., Bristow, T. F., Morris, R. V., Blake, D. F., Chipera, S. J., Morrison, S. M., Treiman, A. H., Rampe, E. B., Rice, M., Achilles, C. N., Grotzinger, J., McLennan, S. M., Williams, J., Bell III, J., Newsom, H., Downs, R. T., Maurice, S., Sarrazin, P., Yen, A. S., Morookian, J. M., Farmer, J. D., Stack, K., Milliken, R. E., Ehlmann, B., Sumner, D. Y., Berger, G., Crisp, J. A. ... Vasconcelos, Paulo (2013). Mineralogy of a mudstone at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars. Science, ScienceXpress (6169) 1243480, 1243480.1-1243480.14. doi: 10.1126/science.1243480
Grotzinger, J. P., Sumner, D. Y., Kah, L. C., Stack, K., Gupta, S., Edgar, L., Rubin, D., Lewis, K., Schieber, J., Mangold, N., Milliken, R., Conrad, P. G., DesMarais, D., Farmer, J., Siebach, K., Calef III, F., Hurowitz, J., McLennan, S. M., Ming, D., Vaniman, D., Crisp, J., Vasavada, A., Edgett, K. S., Malin, M., Blake, D., Gellert, R., Mahaffy, P., Wiens, R. C., Maurice, S. ... Vasconcelos, Paulo (2013). A habitable fluvio-lacustrine environment at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars. Science, ScienceXpress (6169) 1242777, 1242777.1-1242777.18. doi: 10.1126/science.1242777
McLennan, S. M., Anderson, R. B., Bell III, J. F., Bridges, J. C., Calef III, F., Campbell, J. L., Clark, B. C., Clegg, S., Conrad, P., Cousin, A., Des Marais, D. J., Dromart, G., Dyar, M. D., Edgar, L. A., Ehlmann, B. L., Fabre, C., Forni, O., Gasnault, O., Gellert, R., Gordon, S., Grant, J. A., Grotzinger, J. P., Gupta, S., Herkenhoff, K. E., Hurowitz, J. A., King, P. L., Le Mouélic, S., Leshin, L. A., Léveillé, R. ... Vasconcelos, Paulo (2013). Elemental geochemistry of sedimentary rocks at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars. Science, ScienceXpress (6169) 1244734, 1244734.1-1244734.15. doi: 10.1126/science.1244734
Hassler, Donald M., Zeitlin, Cary, Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F., Ehresmann, Bent, Rafkin, Scot, Eigenbrode, Jennifer L., Brinza, David E., Weigle, Gerald, Böttcher, Stephan, Martin, Cesar, Reitz, Guenther, Cucinotta, Francis A., Kim, Myung-Hee, Grinspoon, David, Bullock, Mark A., Posner, Arik, Gómez-Elvira, Javier, Vasavada, Ashwin, Grotzinger, John P., MSL Science Team and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2013). Mars' surface radiation environment measured with the Mars Science Laboratory's Curiosity rover. Science, ScienceXpress (6169) 1244797, 1244797.1-1244797.11. doi: 10.1126/science.1244797
Ming, D. W., Archer Jr., P. D., Glavin, D. P., Eigenbrode, J. L., Franz, H. B., Sutter, B., Brunner, A. E., Stern, J. C., Freissinet, C., McAdam, A. C., Mahaffy, P. R., Cabane, M., Coll, P., Campbell, J. L., Atreya, S. K., Niles, P. B., Bell III, J. F., Bish, D. L., Brinckerhoff, W. B., Buch, A., Conrad, P. G., Des Marais, D. J., Ehlmann, B. L., Fairén, A. G., Farley, K., Flesch, G. J., Francois, P., Gellert, R., Grant, J. A. ... Vasconcelos, Paulo (2013). Volatile and organic compositions of sedimentary rocks in Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars. Science, ScienceXpress (6169) 1245267, 1245267.1-1245267.15. doi: 10.1126/science.1245267
Webster, Christopher R., Mahaffy, Paul R., Atreya, Sushil K., Flesch, Gregory J., Farley, Kenneth A., MSL Science Team and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2013). Low upper limit to methane abundance on Mars. Science, 342 (6156), 355-357. doi: 10.1126/science.1242902
Bish, D. L., Blake, D. F., Vaniman, D. T., Chipera, S. J., Morris, R. V., Ming, D. W., Treiman, A. H., Sarrazin, P., Morrison, S. M., Downs, R. T., Achilles, C. N., Yen, A. S., Bristow, T. F., Crisp, J. A., Morookian, J. M., Farmer, J. D., Rampe, E. B., Stolper, E. M., Spanovich, N., MSL Science Team and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2013). X-ray diffraction results from Mars Science Laboratory: mineralogy of Rocknest at Gale Crater. Science, 341 (6153) 1238932, 1238932.1-1238932.5. doi: 10.1126/science.1238932
Blake, D. F., Morris, R. V., Kocurek, G., Morrison, S. M., Downs, R. T., Bish, D., Ming, D. W., Edgett, K. S., Rubin, D., Goetz, W., Madsen, M. B., Sullivan, R., Gellert, R., Campbell, I., Treiman, A. H., McLennan, S. M., Yen, A. S., Grotzinger, J., Vaniman, D. T., Chipera, S. J., Achilles, C. N., Rampe, E. B., Sumner, D., Meslin, P.-Y., Maurice, S., Forni, O., Gasnault, O., Fisk, M., Schmidt, M. ... Vasconcelos, Paulo (2013). Curiosity at Gale Crater, Mars: characterization and analysis of the Rocknest sand shadow. Science, 341 (6153) 1239505, 1239505.1-1239505.7. doi: 10.1126/science.1239505
Stolper, E. M., Baker, M. B., Newcombe, M. E., Schmidt, M. E., Treiman, A. H., Cousin, A., Dyar, M. D., Fisk, M. R., Gellert, R., King, P. L., Leshin, L., Maurice, S., McLennan, S. M., Minitti, M. E., Perrett, G., Rowland, S., Sautter, V., Wiens, R. C., MSL Science Team and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2013). The petrochemistry of Jake-M: a Martian mugearite. Science, 341 (6153) 1239463, 1239463-1-1239463-7. doi: 10.1126/science.1239463
Meslin, P.-Y., Gasnault, O., Forni, O., Schröder, S., Cousin, A., Berger, G., Clegg, S. M., Lasue, J., Maurice, S., Sautter, V., Le Mouélic, S., Wiens, R. C., Fabre, C., Goetz, W., Bish, D., Mangold, N., Ehlmann, B., Lanza, N., Harri, A.-M., Anderson, R., Rampe, E., McConnochie, T. H., Pinet, P., Blaney, D., Léveillé, R., Archer, D., Barraclough, B., Bender, S., Blake, D. ... Vasconcelos, Paulo (2013). Soil diversity and hydration as observed by ChemCam at Gale Crater, Mars. Science, 341 (6153) 1238670, 1238670.1-1238670.10. doi: 10.1126/science.1238670
Leshin, L. A., Mahaffy, P. R., Webster, C. R., Cabane, M., Coll, P., Conrad, P. G., Archer Jr., P. D., Atreya, S. K., Brunner, A. E., Buch, A., Eigenbrode, J. L., Flesch, G. J., Franz, H. B., Freissinet, C., Glavin, D. P., McAdam, A. C., Miller, K. E., Ming, D. W., Morris, R. V., Navarro-Gonzalez, R., Niles, P. B., Owen, T., Pepin, R. O., Squyres, S., Steele, A., Stern, J. C., Summons, R. E., Sumner, D. Y., Sutter, B. ... Vasconcelos, Paulo (2013). Volatile, isotope, and organic analysis of Martian fines with the Mars curiosity rover. Science, 341 (6153) 1238937, 1238937.1-1238937.9. doi: 10.1126/science.1238937
Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Heim, Jonathan A., Farley, Kenneth A., Monteiro, Hevelyn and Waltenberg, Kathryn (2013). Ar-40/Ar-39 and (U-Th)/He - He-4/He-3 geochronology of landscape evolution and channel iron deposit genesis at Lynn Peak, Western Australia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 117, 283-312. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.03.037
Webster, Chris R., Mahaffy, Paul R., Flesch, Gregory J., Niles, Paul B., Jones, John H., Leshin, Laurie A., Atreya, Sushil K., Stern, Jennifer C., Christensen, Lance E., Owen, Tobias, Franz, Heather, Pepin, Robert O., Steele, Andrew, MSL Science Team and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2013). Isotope ratios of H, C, and O in CO2 and H2O of the Martian atmosphere. Science, 341 (6143), 260-263. doi: 10.1126/science.1237961
Mahaffy, Paul R., Webster, Christopher R., Atreya, Sushil K., Franz, Heather, Wong, Michael, Conrad, Pamela G., Harpold, Dan, Jones, John J., Leshin, Laurie A., Manning, Heidi, Owen, Tobias, Pepin, Robert O., Squyres, Steven, Trainer, Melissa, MSL Science Team and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2013). Abundance and isotopic composition of gases in the Martian atmosphere from the Curiosity rover. Science, 341 (6143), 263-266. doi: 10.1126/science.1237966
Williams, R. M. E., Grotzinger, J. P., Dietrich, W. E., Gupta, S., Sumner, D. Y., Wiens, R. C., Mangold, N., Malin, M. C., Edgett, K. S., Maurice, S., Forni, O., Gasnault, O., Ollila, A., Newsom, H. E., Dromart, G., Palucis, M. C., Yingst, R. A., Anderson, R. B., Herkenhoff, K. E., Le Mouélic, S., Goetz, W., Madsen, M. B., Koefoed, A., Jensen, J. K., Bridges, J. C., Schwenzer, S. P., Lewis, K. W., Stack, K. M., Rubin, D. ... Vasconcelos, Paulo (2013). Martian fluvial conglomerates at gale crater. Science, 340 (6136), 1068-1072. doi: 10.1126/science.1237317
Piacentini, Thiago, Vasconcelos, Paulo M. and Farley, Kenneth A. (2013). Ar-40/Ar-39 constraints on the age and thermal history of the Urucum Neoproterozoic banded iron-formation, Brazil. Precambrian Research, 228, 48-62. doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2013.01.002
Cohen, Benjamin E., Knesel, Kurt M., Vasconcelos, Paulo M. and Schellart, Wouter P. (2013). Tracking the Australian plate motion through the Cenozoic: Constraints from 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Tectonics, 32 (5), 1371-1383. doi: 10.1002/tect.20084
Perez-Valera, Luis Alfonso, Rosenbaum, Gideon, Sanchez-Gomez, Mario, Azor, Antonio, Fernandez-Soler, Juan Manuel, Perez-Valera, Fernando and Vasconcelos, Paulo M. (2013). Age distribution of lamproites along the Socovos Fault (southern Spain) and lithospheric scale tearing. Lithos, 180-181, 252-263. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2013.08.016
De Souza, Zorano Sergio, Vasconcelos, Paulo Marcos, Knese,l Kurt Michael, da Silveira Dias, Luiz Gustovo, Roesner, Eduardo Henrique, Cordeiro de Farias, Paul Roberto. and de Morais Neto, Joao Marinho (2013). The tectonic evolution of Cenozoic extensional basins, northeast Brazil: Geochronological constraints from continental basalt 40Ar/39Ar ages. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 48, 159-172. doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2013.09.008
Perlingeiro, Gabriela, Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Knesel, Kurt M., Thiede, David S. and Cordani, Umberto G. (2013). Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology of the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago and implications for the origin of alkaline volcanism in the NE Brazil. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 249, 140-154. doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.08.017
Vasconcelos, D. C. L., Nunes, E. H. M., Sabioni, A. C. S., Vasconcelos, P. M. P. and Vasconcelos, W. L. (2012). Optical characterization of 316L stainless steel coated with sol-gel titania. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 358 (22), 3042-3047. doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2012.07.035
Li, Jian-Wei, Bi, Shi-Jian, Selby, David, Chen, Lei, Vasconcelos, Paulo, Thiede, David, Zhou, Mei-Fu, Zhao, Xin-Fu, Li, Zhan-Ke and Qiu, Hua-Ning (2012). Giant Mesozoic gold provinces related to the destruction of the North China craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 349-350, 26-37. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.06.058
Ukar, Estibalitz, Cloos, Mark and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2012). First Ar-40-Ar-39 ages from low-T mafic blueschist blocks in a Franciscan Melange near San Simeon: implications for initiation of subduction. Journal of Geology, 120 (5), 543-556. doi: 10.1086/666745
Rosenbaum, Gideon, Menegon, Luca, Glodny, Johannes, Vasconcelos, Paulo, Ring, Uwe, Massironi, Matteo, Thiede, David and Nasipuri, Pritam (2012). Dating deformation in the Gran Paradiso Massif (NW Italian Alps): implications for the exhumation of high-pressure rocks in a collisional belt. Lithos, 144-145, 130-144. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2012.04.016
Shuster, David L., Farley, Kenneth A., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Balco, Greg, Monteiro, Hevelyn S., Waltenberg, Kathryn and Stone, John O. (2012). Cosmogenic He-3 in hematite and goethite from Brazilian "canga" duricrust demonstrates the extreme stability of these surfaces. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 329-230, 41-50. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.02.017
de Lima, Gabrielle Aparecida, de Sousa, Maria Zélia Aguiar, Ruiz, Amarildo Salina, Filho, Manoel Souza D’Agrella and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2012). Sills máficos da Suíte Intrusiva Huanchaca - SW do Cráton Amazônico: registro de magmatismo fissural relacionado à ruptura do Supercontinente Rodínia. Revista Brasileira de Geociencias, 42 (1), 111-129. doi: 10.5327/rbg.v42i1.1608
McDougall, Ian, Brown, Francis H., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Cohen, Benjamin, Thiede, David and Buchanan, Michael (2012). New single crystal 40Ar/ 39Ar ages improve time scale for deposition of the Omo Group, Omo-Turkana Basin, East Africa. Journal of the Geological Society, 169 (2), 213-226. doi: 10.1144/0016-76492010-188
De Lima, Gabrielle Aparecida, De Sousa, Maria Zélia Aguiar, Ruiz, Amarildo Salina, D'Agrella Filho, Manoel Souza and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2012). Sills máficos da Suíte Intrusiva Huanchaca - SW do Cráton Amazônico: Registro de magmatismo fissural relacionado à ruptura do Supercontinente Rodínia. Revista Brasileira de Geociencias, 42 (1), 111-129. doi: 10.25249/0375-7536.2012421111129
Bispo-Santos, Franklin, D'Agrella, Manoel S., Trindade, Ricardo I. F., Elming, Sten-Åke, Janikian, Liliane, Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Perillo, Bruno M., Pacca, Igor I. G., da Silva, Jesué A. and Barros, Márcia A. S. (2012). Tectonic implications of the 1419 Ma Nova Guarita mafic intrusives paleomagnetic pole (Amazonian Craton) on the longevity of Nuna. Precambrian Research, 196-197, 1-22. doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2011.10.022
邓晓东 Deng, Xiao-dong, 李建威 Li, Jian-wei, 张伟 Zhang, Wei, Vasconcelos, Paulo and 赵新福 Zhao, Xin-fu (2012). 铜绿山Fe-Cu(Au)矽卡岩矿床花岗伟晶岩及其文象结构的成因:来自钾长石40Ar/39Ar年龄、微量元素和石英中流体包裹体的证据. Diqiu Kexue (Zhongguo Dizhi Daxue Xuebao), 37 (1), 77-92. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2012.008
Faleiros, Frederico Meira, Campanha, Ginaldo Ademar da Cruz, Martins, Lucelene, Vlach, Silvio Roberto Farias and Vasconcelos, Paulo M. (2011). Ediacaran high-pressure collision metamorphism and tectonics of the southern Ribeira Belt (SE Brazil): Evidence for terrane accretion and dispersion during Gondwana assembly. Precambrian Research, 189 (3-4), 263-291. doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2011.07.013
Knesel, Kurt M., Souza, Zorano S., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Cohen, Benjamin E. and Silveira, Francisco V. (2011). Young volcanism in the Borborema Province, NE Brazil, shows no evidence for a trace of the Fernando de Noronha plume on the continent. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 302 (1-2), 38-50. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.11.036
Wang, Q, Wyman, DA, Li, ZX, Sun, WD, Chung, SL, Vasconcelos, PM, Zhang, QY, Dong, H, Yu, YS, Pearson, N, Qiu, HN, Zhu, TX and Feng, XT (2010). Eocene north-south trending dikes in central Tibet: New constraints on the timing of east-west extension with implications for early plateau uplift?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 298 (1-2), 205-216. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.07.046
Thiede, David S. and Vasconcelos, Paulo M. (2010). Parana flood basalts: Rapid extrusion hypothesis confirmed by new Ar-40/Ar-39 results. Geology, 38 (8), 747-750. doi: 10.1130/G30919.1
Maraschin, Anderson J., Mizusaki, Ana Maria, Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Hinrichs, Ruth, De Ros, Luiz F. and dos Anjos, Sylvia M. C. (2010). Depositional age definition of the Açu Formation (Potiguar Basin, northeastern Brazil) through 40Ar-39Ar dating of early-authigenic K-feldspar overgrowths. Pesquisas em Geociencias, 37 (2), 85-96. doi: 10.22456/1807-9806.22649
Hollanda, Maria Helena B.M., Archanjo, Carlos J., Souza, Laécio C., Armstrong, Richard and Vasconcelos, Paulo M. (2010). Cambrian mafic to felsic magmatism and its connections with transcurrent shear zones of the Borborema Province (NE Brazil): Implications for the late assembly of the West Gondwana. Precambrian Research, 178 (1-4), 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2009.12.004
Cornu, Sophie, Montagne, David and Vasconcelos, Paulo M. (2009). Dating constituent formation in soils to determine rates of soil processes: A review. Geoderma, 153 (3-4), 293-303. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.08.006
Vasconcelos, Paulo (2009). PACRIM Congress puts the light on geology. AusIMM Bulletin (3), 72-73.
Li, Jian-Wei, Zhao, Xin-Fu, Zhou, Mei-Fu, Ma, Chang-Qian, de Souza, Zorano Sérgio and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2009). Late Mesozoic magmatism from the Daye region, eastern China: U-Pb ages, petrogenesis, and geodynamic implications. Contributions To Mineralogy And Petrology, 157 (3), 383-409. doi: 10.1007/s00410-008-0341-x
Eby, G. Nelson and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2009). Geochronology of the Arkanas Alkaline Province, Southeastern United States. The Journal of Geology, 117 (6), 615-626. doi: 10.1086/605779
Fujioka, T, Fifield. L.K., Stone, J.O., Vasconcelos, Paulo M.d., Tims, S.G. and Chapell, J. (2009). In situ cosmogenic 53Mn production rate from ancient low-denudation surface in tropic Brazil. Nuclear Instruments and Methods In Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials And Atoms, 268 (7-8), 1209-1213. doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2009.10.135
Zhou, Mei-Fu, Yan, Dan-Ping, Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Li, Jian-Wei and Hu, Rui-Zhong (2008). Structural and geochronological constraints on the tectono-thermal evolution of the Danba domal terrane, eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 33 (5-6), 414-427. doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2008.03.003
Knesel, Kurt M., Cohen, Benjamin, Vasconcelos, Paulo M. and Thiede, David S. (2008). Rapid change in drift of the Australian plate records collision with Ontong Java plateau. Nature, 454 (7205), 754-757. doi: 10.1038/nature07138
Wang, Q., Wyman, D.A., Xu, J., Dong, Y., Vasconcelos, Paulo M.d., Pearson, N., Wan, Y., Dong, H., Li, C., Yu, Y., Zhu, T., Feng, X. and Zhang, Q. (2008). Eocene melting of subducting continental crust and early uplifting of central Tibet: Evidence from central-western Qiangtang high-K calc-alkaline andesites, dacites and rhyolites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 272 (1-2), 158-171. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.04.034
Sial, A.N., Vasconcelos, Paulo M.d., Ferreira, V.P., Pessoa, R.R., Brasilino, R.G. and Morais-Neto, Joao M. (2008). Geochronological and mineralogical constraints on depth of emplacement and ascencion rates of epidote-bearing magmas from northeastern Brazil.. Lithos, 105 (3-4), 225-238. doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2008.04.002
Cohen, B. E., Knesel, K. M., Vasconcelos, P. M., Thiede, D. S. and Hergt, J. M. (2008). 40Ar/39Ar constraints on the timing and origin of Miocene leucitite volcanism in southeastern Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 55 (3), 407-418. doi: 10.1080/08120090701769514
Li, J-W., Zhao, X-F., Zhou, M-F., Vasconcelos, Paulo M.d., Ma, C-Q., Deng, X-D, de Souza, Z.S., Zhao, Y-X. and Wu, G. (2008). Origin of the Tongshankou porphyry-skarn Cu-Mo deposit, eastern Yangtze craton, Eastern China: geochronological, geochemical, and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic constraints.. Mineralium Deposita, 43 (3), 315-336. doi: 10.1007/s00126-007-0161-3
Vasconcelos, Paulo M.d., Knesel, Kurt M., Benjamin Cohen and Jonathan Heim (2008). Geochronology of the Australian Cenozoic: a history of tectonic and igneous activity, weathering, erosion, and sedimentation.. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 55 (6), 865-914. doi: 10.1080/08120090802120120
Li, Jian-wei, Yan, Dai-rong, Deng, Xiao-dong, Chen, Lei and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2008). 40Ar/39Ar constraints on pervasive supergene manganese mineralization of the late Cenozoic age throughout South China. Bulletin of Mineralogy Petrology and Geochemistry, 27 (3), 226-231.
Machado, Rômulo, Dehler, Nolan M. and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2007). Ar-40/Ar-39 ages (600-570 Ma) of the Serra do Azeite transtensional shear zone: evidence for syncontractional extension in the Cajati area, southern Ribeira belt. Annals of the Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, 79 (4), 713-723. doi: 10.1590/S0001-37652007000400011
Feng, Y. X. and Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (2007). Chronology of pleistocene weathering processes, southeast Queensland, Australia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 263 (3-4), 275-287. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.08.036
Li, Jian-Wei, Vasconcelos, P. M. D., Duzgoren-Aydin, N., Yan, Dai-Rong, Zhang, Wei, Deng, Xiao-Dong, Zhao, Xin-Fu, Zeng, Zhong-Ping and Hu, Ming-An (2007). Neogene weathering and supergene manganese enrichment in subtropical South China: An 40Ar/39Ar approach and paleoclimatic significance. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 256 (3-4), 389-402. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.01.021
Cohen, B. E., Vasconcelos, P. M. D. and Knesel, K. M. (2007). 40 Ar/39 Ar constraints on the timing of Oligocene intraplate volcanism in southeast Queensland. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 54 (1), 105-125. doi: 10.1080/08120090600981483
Comin-Chiaramonti P., Marzoli A., De Barros Gomes C., Milan A., Riccomini C., Velazquez V.F., Mantovani M.M.S., Renne P., Tassinari C.C.G. and Vasconcelos P.M. (2007). The origin of post-Paleozoic magmatism in eastern Paraguay. Special Paper of the Geological Society of America, 430, 603-633. doi: 10.1130/2007.2430(29)
Li, Jian-Wei, Vasconcelos, Paulo, Zhang, Wei, Deng, Xiao-Dong, Duzgoren-Aydin, Nurdan, Yan, Dai-Rong, Zhang, Jian-Qiang and Hu, Ming-An (2007). Timing and duration of supergene mineralization at the Xinrong manganese deposit, western Guangdong Province, South China: cryptomelane Ar-40/Ar-39 dating. Mineralium Deposita, 42 (4), 361-383. doi: 10.1007/s00126-006-0118-y
Vasconcelos, P. M., Heim, J. A., Farley, K. A., Shuster, D. L. and Broadbent, G. (2007). Dating paleochannel iron ore by (U-Th)/He analysis of supergene goethite, Hamersley province, Australia: Reply. Geology, 35 (1). doi: 10.1130/G23755Y.1
Li, Jian-Wei, Vasconcelos, Paulo, Zhou, Mei-Fu, Zhao, Xin-Fu and Ma, Chang-Qian (2006). Geochronology of the Pengjiakuang and Rushan gold deposits, Eastern Jiaodong Gold Province, Northeastern China: Implications for regional mineralization and geodynamic setting. Economic Geology, 101 (5), 1023-1038. doi: 10.2113/gsecongeo.101.5.1023
Heim, J. A., Vasconcelos, P. M., Shuster, D. L., Farley, K. A. and Broadbent, G. (2006). Dating paleochannel iron ore by (U-Th)/He analysis of supergene goethite, Hamersley province, Australia. Geology, 34 (3), 173-176. doi: 10.1130/G22003.1
Carmo, I. D. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2006). 40Ar/39Ar geochronology constraints on late miocene weathering rates in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 241 (1-2), 80-94. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.09.056
Spier, C. A., Vasconcelos, P. M. and Oliviera, S. M. B. (2006). 40Ar/39Ar geochronological constraints on the evolution of lateritic iron deposits in the Quadrilatero Ferrifero, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Chemical Geology, 234 (1-2), 79-104. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2006.04.006
Araujo, Mário Neto C., Vasconcelos, Paulo M., da Silva, Fernando C., Jardim de Sa, Emanuel F. and Sá, Jaziel M. (2005). 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of gold mineralization in Brasiliano strike-slip shear zones in the Barborema province, NE Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 19 (4), 446-460. doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2005.06.009
Shuster, David L., Vasconcelos, P. M. D., Heim, Jonathan A. and Farley, Kenneth A. (2005). Weathering geochronology by (U-Th)/He dating of goethite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69 (3), 659-673. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2004.07.028
Almeida, C. B., Cruz, L. R., Jardim de Sa, E. F., Vasconcelos, P. M. D. and Medeiros, W. E. (2005). Tectonics and stratigraphic relationships in the Pernambuco Sub-basin, NE Brazil: Contribution to the knowledge of the South Atlantic Rift. Petrobras Geosciences Bulletin, 13 (2), 167-180.
Guedes, E., Heilbron, M., Vasconcelos, P. M. D., Valeriano, C. D., Almeida, J. C. H., Teixeira, W. and Filho, A. T. (2005). K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages of dikes emplaced in the onshore basement of the Santos Basin, Resende area, SE Brazil: implications for the South Atlantic opening and tertiary reactivation. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 18 (3-4), 371-382. doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2004.11.008
Hackspacher, P. C., Fetter, A. H., Teixeira, W., Dantas, E. L., Ebert, H. D., Trouw, R. A.J. and Vasconcelos, P. (2004). Final stages of the Brasiliano Orogenesis in SE Brazil: U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar evidence for overprinting of the Brasília Belt by the Ribeira Belt Tectonics. Journal of the Virtual Explorer, 17. doi: 10.3809/jvirtex.2004.00108
da Costa Campos Neto M., Stipp Basei M.A., Farias Vlach S.R., Caby R., Szabo G.A.J. and Vasconcelos P. (2004). Orogen migration and superposition of orogenesis: An overview of Brasiliano orogenic collage of the Southern San Francisco Craton, southeastern Brazil Migração de Orógenos e Superposição de Orogêneses: Um Esboço da Colagem Brasiliana no Sul do Cráton do São Francisco, SE - Brasil. Geologia USP - Serie Cientifica, 4 (1), 13-40. doi: 10.5327/s1519-874x2004000100002
Carmo, ID and Vasconcelos, P (2004). Geochronological evidence for pervasive miocene weathering, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Earth Surface Processes And Landforms, 29 (11), 1303-1320. doi: 10.1002/esp.1090
Li, J. W., Vasconcelos, P. M., Zhang, J., Zhou, M. F., Zhang, X. J. and Yang, F. H. (2003). 40Ar/39Ar constraints on a temporal link between gold mineralization, magmatism, and continental margin transtension in the Jiaodong Gold Province, eastern China. Journal of Geology, 111 (6), 741-751. doi: 10.1086/378486
Vasconcelos, PM and Conroy, M (2003). Geochronology of weathering and landscape evolution, Dugald River valley, NW Queensland, Australia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67 (16), 2913-2930. doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(02)01372-8
de Araujo, M. N. C., Alves da Silva, F. C., Jardim de Sa, E. F., Holcombe, R. J. and Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (2003). Microstructural evolution of the Serido Belt, NE-Brazil: the effect of two tectonic events on development of c-axis preferred orientation in quartz. Journal of Structural Geology, 25 (12), 2089-2107. doi: 10.1016/S0191-8141(03)00069-5
Vasconcelos, Paulo, Cohen, Ben and Calos, Nick (2002). Colour in quartz: From atomic substitutions to nanoinclusions. Australian Gemmologist, 21 (8), 278-278.
Li, Jianwei W., Vasconcelos, P. M. and Zhang, Jun (2002). Behavior of argon gas release from manganese oxide minerals as revealed by Ar-40/Ar-39 laser incremental heating analysis. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47 (18), 1502-1510. doi: 10.1360/02tb9331
Li, Jian-Wei and Vasconcelos, Paulo (2002). Potassium in the Earth's core?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 200 (1-2), 63-78. doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00593-9
Vasconcelos, P. N., Onoe, A. T., Kawashita, K., Soares, A. J. and Teixeira, W. (2002). Ar-40/-Ar-39 geochronology at the Instituto de Geociencias, USP: instrumentation, analytical procedures, and calibration. Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias, 74 (2), 297-342. doi: 10.1590/S0001-37652002000200008
Rizotto, Gilmar José, Bettencourt, Jorge Silva, Teixeria, Wilson, Pacca, Igor Ivory Gil, Filho, Manoel Sousa D'Agrella, Vasconcelos, Paulo, Basei, Miguel Angelo Stipp, Onoe, Artur Takashi and Passarelli, Cláudia Regina (2002). Geologia e geocronologia da Suite Metamorfica Colorado e suas encaixantes, SE de Rondonia: implicacoes para a evolucao Mesoproterozoica do SW do Craton Amazonico. Geologia USP: Série Científica. Revista do Instituto de Geociencias, 2 (1), 41-55. doi: 10.5327/S1519-874X2002000100006
Li, J. W. and Vasconcelos, P. (2002). Cenozoic continental weathering and its implications for the palaeoclimate: evidence from Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology of supergene K-Mn oxides in Mt Tabor, central Queensland, Australia. Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 200 (1-2), 223-239. doi: 10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00594-0
Feng, YX and Vasconcelos, P (2001). Quaternary continental weathering geochronology by laser-heating Ar-40/Ar-39 analysis of supergene cryptomelane. Geology, 29 (7), 635-638. doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<0635:QCWGBL>2.0.CO;2
Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (1999). K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of weathering processes. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 27 (1), 183-229. doi: 10.1146/
Vasconcelos, Paulo Marcos, Renne, Paul R., Becker, Tim A. and Wenk, Hans-Rudolf (1995). Mechanisms and kinetics of atmospheric, radiogenic, and nucleogenic argon release from cryptomelane during 40Ar 39Ar analysis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 59 (10), 2057-2070. doi: 10.1016/0016-7037(95)00126-3
Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Renne, Paul R., Brimhall, George H. and Becker, Tim A. (1994). Direct dating of weathering phenomena by 40Ar39 Ar and K-Ar analysis of supergene K-Mn oxides. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 58 (6), 1635-1665. doi: 10.1016/0016-7037(94)90565-7
Vasconcelos, Paulo M., Brimhall, George H., Becker, Tim A. and Renne, Paul R. (1994). 40Ar39Ar analysis of supergene jarosite and alunite: implications to the paleoweathering history of the western USA and West Africa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 58 (1), 401-420. doi: 10.1016/0016-7037(94)90473-1
Vasconcelos, P. M., Wenk, H. R. and Echer, C. (1994). In-situ study of the thermal-behavior of cryptomelane by high-voltage and analytical electron-microscopy. The American Mineralogist, 79 (1-2), 80-90.
Vasconcelos, Paolo M., Becker, Tim A., Renne, Paul R. and Brimhall, George H. (1992). Age and duration of weathering by 40K-40Ar and 40Ar/39Ar analysis of potassium-manganese oxides. Science, 258 (5081), 451-455. doi: 10.1126/science.258.5081.451
Conference Papers
Mulder, Jack, Hagen-Peter, Graham, Ubide, Teresa, Tapu, Al-Tamini, Feng, Yuexing and Vasconcelos, Paulo M. (2022). Improved accuracy and precision of in-situ Sr isotope measurements by LA-MC-ICP-MS: New insights into magma histories. Goldschmidt 2022, Honolulu, HI, United States, 10-15 July 2022. France: European Association of Geochemistry. doi: 10.46427/gold2022.11746
Mueller, Jessica, Farley, Kenneth A., Vasconcelos, Paulo M. and McCurry, Matthew (2022). (U-Th)/He geochronology of McGraths flat Lagerstätte. The Geological Society of America 2022 Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, United States, 9-12 October 2022. Geological Society of America. doi: 10.1130/abs/2022am-382574
Cisneros, Miguel, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Miller, Hayden, Treffkorn, Jonathan, Oerter, Erik, Singleton, Michael, Farley, Kenneth A., Vasconcelos, Paulo M. and Donald, Scott (2022). An interlaboratory comparison of the goethite (site-specific) oxygen isotope thermometer. GSA Connects 2022 Meeting, Denver, CO, United States, 9-12 October 2022. Geological Society of America. doi: 10.1130/abs/2022am-380897
Claudio Luiz de Andrade Vieira Filh, Kasia Sobczak, Heinz-Gerd Holl, Suzanne Hurter and Paulo Vasconcelos (2021). Understanding the nature of the transition between Late Jurassic formations of the Surat Basin through borehole image logs using cumulative dip plots. Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2021, Virtual, 2021. Geological Society of Australia.
Vasconcelos, Paulo M. (2019). Single and multiple weathering-erosion cycles in supergene ore genesis. 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 August 2019. Geneva, Switzerland: Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA).
Hoy, D., Rosenbaum, G., Mortimer, N., Shaanan, U. and Vasconcelos, P. (2017). Hunter - Bowen deformation in the Percy Group of Isles, offshore central Queensland. Biennial Meeting of the Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Geological Society of Australia, Denmark, November 2017.
Shaana, U., Rosenbaum, G., Li, P., Vasconcelos, P. and Wormald, R. (2014). Provenance and structural constraints of the early Permian Nambucca Block (eastern Australia), and implications for the origin of the New England orocline. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2014.
Shaanan, U., Rosenbaum, G., Li, P., Vasconcelos, P. and Wormald, R. (2014). Structural evolution of the early Permian Nambucca Block (New England Orogen, eastern Australia) and implications for oroclinal bending. GSA Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Conference, Thredbo, Australia, February 2014.
Hartig, G., Rosenbaum, G. and Vasconcelos, P. (2012). GMapper: a mobile-device geological fieldwork assistant and lecturer. 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, August 2012.
Waltenberg, K., Vasconcelos, P. M. and Thiede, D. (2010). Argon Diffusivity in 2x2 (hollandite), 2x3 (romanéchite), and 3x3 (todorokite) Tunnel Manganese Oxides:, abstract #V51A-2168.. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco CA, United States, Fall Meeting 2010. American Geophysical Union.
Vasconcelos, P., Kirk J., Farley K., Perlingeiro G., Ruiz J. and Eastern S. (2008). Orogenic Deposits: the Gold Comes from the Mantle. 33rd International Geological Congress 2008, Oslo, Norway, 6-14 August 2008.
Vasconcelos, P., Monteiro, H., Farley, K. and Spier, C. (2008). Re-weathering of deep weathering profiles. 33rd International Geological Congress 2008, Oslo, Norway, 6-14 August 2008.
Lima, M. G., Vasconcelos, P. M., Farley, K. and Jardim de Sa, E. F. (2008). Datação de Intemperismo Delimita a Idade da Formação Barreiras, Nordeste do Brasil. 44th Brazilian Geological Congress, Curitiba., Curitiba, Brazil, 26-31 October 2008.
Brito, R. S. C., de Dantas, E. J., Vasconcelos, P. M., Pimentel, M. M., Macambira, M. J. B. and Armstrong, R. (2008). U-Pb, Pb-Pb and Sm-Nd dating for the southern Alagoas Zone Sergipano Belt basis for the Brazil-Cameroon Neoproterozoic correlation. VI South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, 13-17 April 2008.
Sant', Anna L., Cordani, U., Vasconcelos, P., Riccomini, C,, Vela¡zquez, V., Mancini, L. and Onoe, A. (2008). Datação 40Ar/39Ar de argilominerais illíticos diagenéticos associados ao vulcanismo Serra Geral. IV Simpósio de Vulcanismo e Ambientes Associados, Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil, 8-11 April 2008.
Carmo, I. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2008). Calibrating denudation chronology through 40Ar/39Ar weathering geochronology. 33rd International Geological Congress 2008, Oslo, Norway, 6-14 August 2008.
Brito, R. S. C., Vasconcelos, P. M., Dantas, E. J., Pimentel, M. M. and Macambira, M. J. B. (2008). Ar-Ar dating for the Braziliano orogeny in the southern Alagoas Zone Sergipano Belt. VI South American Symposium On Isotope Geology, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, 13-17 April 2008.
Silva, G. M. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2008). Idades Ar-Ar em Depósitos Auríferos da Província Aurífera Juruena-Teles Pires: Evidência da Participação do SW do Mato Grosso na Amalgamação Rondônica/ San Ignácio?. 44th Brazilian Geological Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, 26-31 October 2008.
Hollanda, M. H., Archanjo, C. J. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2008). Magmatismo Bimodal Cambriano na Provínica Borborema. 44th Brazilian Geological Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, October 26-31, 2008.
Morais Neto, J. M. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2008). Significance of 40Ar/39Ar cooling rates following the Brasiliano-Panafrican Orogeny in the eastern Borborema Province, northeastern Brazil. 44th Brazilian Geological Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, 26-31 October 2008.
Lima, M. G., Vasconcelos, P. M., Farley, K. and Jardim de Sa, E. F. (2008). Datacao do Intemperismo do Nordeste Oriental do Brasil. 44th Brazilian Geological Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, 26-31 October 2008.
Sant'Anna, L., Cordani, U., Vasconcelos, P. M., Riccomini, C., Velasquez, V., Mancini, L. and Onoe, A. (2008). Data 40Ar/39Ar de argilominerais iliticos diagenéticos associados ao vulcanismo Serra Geral. 44th Brazilian Geological Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, 26-30 January 2008.
Vasconcelos, P. M. and Carmo, I. O. (2008). Numerical calibration of denudation chronology. 44th Brazilian Geological Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, 26-30 January 2008.
Ramos, R., Avila, C. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2008). Magmatismo Meso-Cenozóico na Região da Bacia de Resende. 44th Brazilian Geological Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, 26-30 January 2008.
Vasconcelos, P., Monteiro, H., Farley, K. and Spier, K. (2008). Cangas: Self-healing protective covers that inhibit the erosion of deeply weathered banded iron-formations. VII Simpósio Nacional de Geomorfologia: I Encontro Latin: Dinamica e Diversidade de Paisagens-Americano de Geomorfologia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1-8 August 2008.
Knesel, K. M., Vasconcelos, P. M., Cohen, B. E. and Thiede, D. S. (2008). Volcano geochronology provides a continental speedometer for unraveling tectonic events and informing plate reconstructions. Earth Systems Dynamics Network: The Meeting of the Elements: Earth, Fire, Water & Air., St Lucia, Australia, 20-21 November 2008.
Souza, Z., Knesel, K., Vasconcelos, P. M. and Silveira, F. V. (2008). 40Ar/39Ar geochronology reveals the youngest continental intraplate volcanism in Brazil. 44th Brazilian Geological Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, 26-31 October 2008.
Souza, S., Dantas, E., Vasconcelos, P. M. and Silveira, F. V. (2008). Astenosfera e litosfera como fontes de magmas basálticos Cenozóicos no NE do Brasil. 44th Brazilian Geological Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, 26-31 October 2008.
Souza, S. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2008). O magmatismo alcalino Oligoceno-Mioceno Cabugi, NE do Brasil. 44th Brazilian Geological Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, 26-31 October 2008.
Li, J. W., Vasconcelos, P. and Deng, X. D. (2008). Pervasive supergene manganese enrichment throughout the Late Cenozoic, South China. PACRIM Congress 2008, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 24-26 November, 2008. Carlton, VIC, Australia: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM).
Thiede, D. S. and Vasconcelos, P. V. (2008). Parana flood basalts: Rapid extrusion hypothesis supported by new (40)Ar/(39)Ar results. CBG44: 44º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia. "O Planeta Terra em Nossas Mãos" [44th Brazilian Geological Congress], Curitiba, Brazil, 26-31 October 2008. Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia.
Vasconcelos, P. M. (2007). The relative tempo of weathering and erosion controls supergene metal accumulation. 17th Annual V M Goldschmidt Conference, Cologne, Germany, 24 August 2007. Oxford, England: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2007.06.028
Cunha, F. S. S., Silva, F. C. A., Souza, Z. S. and Vasconcelos, P. M. P. (2007). Caracterização Estrutural da Zona de Cisalhamento Poço Cercado, Domínio Ceará Central (NE do Brasil): Evidências de Reativação Fanerozóica. XI Simposio Nacional de Estudos Tectonicos/V International Symposium on Tectonics of the SBG, Natal, Brazil, 2007. Natal, Brazil: Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia.
Lima, M. G., Vasconcelos, P. M. P., Farley K. and Jardim De Sá, E. F. (2007). Datacao do Intemperismo Impoe Limites na Idade da Formacao Barreiras, Bacia Potiguar Nordeste do Brasil. Congresso Brasileiro de Estudos Quaternário, Belem, Brazil, 4-11 November 2007.
Archanjo, C. J., Hollanda, M. H. B. M., Macedo, J. W. P., Armstrong, R, Nutman, A. P. and Vasconcelos, Paulo M. D. P. (2007). Geocronologia (U/Pb SHRIMP, Ar/Ar) e anisotropia de suscetibilidade magnetica (ASM) do batolito de Teixeira-PB, Provincia Borborema. XI Simposio Nacional de Estudos Tectonicos/V International Symposium on Tectonics of the SBG, Natal, Brazil, 2007.
Cohen, B.E., Vasconcelos, P.M. and Knesel, K.M. (2006). 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of Cenozoic volcanism in Eastern Australia. Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2006, Melbourne, Australia, 2-6 July, 2006. Melbourne, Vic: Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2006.
Heim, J. A., Vasconcelos, P. M. D., Farley, K. A., Shuster, D. L. and Broadbent, G. (2006). (U-Th)/He and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Weathering, Hamersley Province, Australia: Implications for weathering history and landscape Evolution. 16th Annual Goldschmidt Conference 2006 - Geochemistry Downunder, Melbourne, Australia, 27 August - 1 September 2006. United Kingdom: Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2006.06.485
Vasconcelos, P. (2005). Metodos de Geocronologia de Intemperismo e suas aplicacoes a eventos de sedimentacao continental durante o Neogeno. X Congress of the Brazilian Association for Quaternary Research, Guarapari, Brazil, 9th - 16th October, 2005.
Battilani G. A., Vasconcelos P. M., Gomes N. S. and Guerra W. J. (2005). Geochronological Data of Dykes and Sills Intruding Proterozoic Sequences of the Tombador Formation. III Simpósio sobre o Cráton do São Francisco/III Symposium on the São Francisco Craton, Salvador, BA, Brazil, 14-18 August 2005.
Cohen, B. E., Knesel, K. M. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2005). HFSE fractionations in a continental, intraplate volcanic system, Southeast Queensland, Australia. Specialist Group in Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology, Port Macquarie, Australia, 13 - 15 July 2005. Sydney, Australia: Geological Society of Australia.
Jardim de Sa,, de Souza, Z. S., Vasconcelos, P. M. D., Saadi, A., Galindo, A. C., Lima, M. D. G. and Oliveira, M. J. R. (2005). Time constraints on the cenozoic evolution of the Borborema Plateau. X National Symposium on Tectonics, Curitiba, Brazil, 19 - 24 June 2005. Brazil: Brazilian Geological Society Nucleo PR.
Geraldes, Mauro C., de Paulo, Valéria G., Barboza, Elzio da S., Vasconcelos, Paulo and Teixeira, Wilson (2004). Record of 483-429 Ma U-Pb and 40Ar-39Ar ages in SW Rondonia and Sunsás provinces: the role of Neoproterozoic mobile belts overprint within the Amazon craton. 1st Symposium on Neoproterozoic-Early Paleozoic Events in SW-Gondwana, Brazil, October 2004. Sao Paulo, Brazil:
Carmo, I. d. O., Vasconcelos, P. M. D., Kohn, B., de Lima, C., Mello, C. and Raza, A. (2004). Termocronologia por tracos de fissao em apatita e denudaco na margem continental do Sudeste do Brasil. XLII Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Araxa, Brasil, 17-22 October 2004.
Carmo, I. O., Vasconcelos, P. M. and Kohn, B. (2004). Geocronologia de intemperismo, termocronologia por tracos de fissao em apatite e preservacao de antigas superficies geomorfologicas, Quadrilatero Ferrifero, SE Brasil. 42º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Araxa, Brasil, 17 - 22 October 2004.
Nascimento, M., Vasconcelos, P. M., de Souza, Z. S. and Carmo, I. O. (2004). Estratigrafia geocronologica 40Ar/39Ar do granito do cabo e rochas associadas, Bacia de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil. 42º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Araxa, Brasil, 17 - 22 October 2004.
Oliveira, A. H., Carneiro, M. A., Vasconcelos, P. M. D. and Carmo, I. d. O. (2004). Eventos tectonotermais proterozoicos superimpostos a crosta sialica arqueana do Craton Sao Francisco Meridional: Evidencias a partir de idades 40Ar/39Ar. XLII Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Araxa, Brasil, 17-22 October 2004.
Spier, C., Vasconcelos, P. M. D. and Oliveira, S. M. (2004). Datacao 40Ar/39Ar de oxidos de manganes associados ao minerio de ferro das Minas de Sapecado e Andaime, Quadrilatero Ferrifero. XLII Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Araxa, Brasil, 17-22 October 2004.
de Souza, Z. S., Vasconcelos, P. M. D., Nascimento, M., Silveira, F., Paiva, H. S., Dias, L., Viegas, M. C. D., Galindo, A. C. and Oliveira, M. J. R. (2004). Geocronologia e geoquimica do Magmatismo Cretacico a Terciario no NE deo Brasil. XLII Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Araxa, Brasil, 17-22 October 2004.
Jardim de Sa, E. F., Vasconcelos, P. M. D., Kohn, B., de Matos, R. M. D., Nascimento, M. and de Souza, Z. S. (2004). Datacoes Ar/Ar do magmatismo ipojuca e a Idade do Rifteamento na Sub-Bacia de Penambuco, Nordeste do Brasil. XLII Congresso Brasileiro de Geologica, Araxa, Brasil, 17-22 October 2004.
de Lima, C., Silva, A. T., Lopes, M. R. F., Moraes, A., Carmo, I. d. O. and Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (2004). Compressao meso-cenozoica na intraplaca Sul-Americana: Implicacoes exploratorias para as bacias da margem continental Brasileira. XLII Congresso Brasileiro de Geologica, Araxa, Brasil,
de Paulo, V. G., Geraldes, M. C., Vasconcelos, P., Tohver, E. and Texeira, W. (2004). Idades 40Ar/39Ar de rochas paleo e mesoproterozoicas do SW do Craton Amazonico. 42º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, Araxa, Brasil, 17-22 October 2004.
Carmo, I. O. C., Vasconcelos, P. M., Kohn, B., de Lima, C., Mello, C. and Asaf, R. (2004). Constraints on the denudation history of the SE Brazil margin from combined apatite fission track thermochronology and Ar weathering geochronology. 10th International Fission Track Dating and Thermochronology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 8 - 13 August 2004.
Carmo, I. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2004). Neogene continental weathering rates from 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, 20 - 28 August 2004.
Spier, C., Vasconcelos, P. M. D. and Oliveira, S. (2004). 40Ar/39Ar dating of Mn-iron ore of the Sapecado Mine, Qadrilatero Ferrifero, Brazil. Array, Florence, Italy, 20-28 August 2004.
Shuster, D., Vasconcelos, P. M. D., Heim, J. and Farley, K. (2004). Weathering Geochronology by (U-Th)/He Dating of Geothite. 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, 20-28 August 2004.
de Paulo, V. G., Geraldes, M. C., Vasconcelos, P. M. D., Tohver, E. and Teixeira, W. (2004). 40Ar/39Ar Ages of Paleo and Mesoproterozoics rocks of SW Amazonian Craton. 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, 20-28 August 2004.
Oliveira, A. H., Vasconcelos, P. M. D., Carneiro, M., Carmo, I. d. O. and Correa da Costa, P.C. (2004). The 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages for the Campo Belo Metamorphic Complex, Southern Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil. 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, 20-28 August 2004.
Calos, N., Vasconcelos, P.M.D. and Kennard, C. H. (2004). Nickel substitution in natural geothite from New Caledonia. 17th Australian Geological Convention, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 8-13 February 2004. Geological Society of Australia.
Cohen, B., Vasconcelos, P. M. and Knesel, K. M. (2004). Tertiary magmatism in Southeast Queensland. 17th Australian Geological Convention, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 8-13 February 2004. Geological Society of Australia.
Nascimento, M. A. L., Vasconcelos, P. M., Souza, Z. S., Jardim de Sa, E. F., Carmo, I. O. and Thiede, D. (2004). 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Cabo magmatic province, Pernambuco Basin, NE Brazil. Fourth South American Symposium on Isotope Geology (IV SSAGI), Salvador, Brazil, 24-27 August 2003. Ottawa, Ont.: International Union of Geological Sciences.
Vinasco, C. J., Cordani, U. G. and Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (2003). Application of the 40Ar/39Ar methodology in the study of tectonic reactigations of shear zones: Romeral fault system in the central cordillera of Columbia. IV South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, Salvador-Bahia, Brazil, 24th - 27th August 2003. Brazil: Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement.
Carmo, I. O. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2003). 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of weathering profiles in southeastern Brazil. IV South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, Salvador-Bahia, Brazil, 24 - 27 August 2003. Brazil: Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement.
Vasconcelos, P. M. (2003). Noble gas geochronology and geochemistry in surficial processes. IV South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, Salvador, Brazil, 24-27 August 2003.
Vlach, S. R. F., Vilalva, F. C. J., Ulbrich, M. N. C., Ulbrich, H. G. J. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2003). Phlogopite From Carbonatic Veins Associated With The Pocos De Caldas Alkaline Massif, Se Brazil: Mineralogy And 40Ar/39Ar Dating By The Laser Step Heating Method. IV South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, Salvador, Brazil, 17-24 August, 2003.
Cunha, I. A., Vasconcelos, P. M. D., Babinski, M., Misi, A. and Franca-Rocha, W. J. S. (2003). 40Ar/39Ar muscovite ages from hydrothermally altered dolostone hosting the Pb-Ag caboclo deposit, Bahia, Brazil. IV South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, Salvador-Bahia, Brazil, 24th - 27th August 2003. Brazil: Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement.
Vlach, S. R. F., Vilalva, F. C. J., Ulbrich, M. N. C., Ulbrich, H. H. G. J. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2003). Phlogopite from carbonatitic veins associated with the Pocos de Caldas Alkaline Massif, SE Brazil: mineralogy and 40Ar/39Ar dating by the laser step heating method. IV South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, Salvador-Bahia, Brazil, 24 - 27 August 2003. Brazil: Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement.
Souza, Z. S., Vasconcelos, P. M., Nascimento, M. A. L., Silveira, F. V., Paiva, H. S., Dias, L. G. S., Thiede, D. and Carmo, I. O. (2003). 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of mesozoic and cenozoic magmatism in NE Brazil. IV South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, Salvador, Brazil, 24-27 August, 2003.
Siga Jr. O., Kaulfuss, G. A., Sato, K., Basei, M. A. S., Vasconcelos, P. M., Harara, O. M. and Cury, L. F. (2003). The geochronology of the setuva nucleus: polycyclic terrains exposed to upper crustal levels during the neoproterozoic. IV South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, Salvador-Bahia, Brazil, 24 - 27 August 2003. Brazil: Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement.
Teixeira, W., Bettencourt, J. S., Vasconcelos, P. M. D., Rizzotto, G. J., Pacca, I. G. I. and D'Agrella Filho, M. S. (2003). Mesoproterozoic bimodal magmatism in the southeastern part of Rondonia, SW Amazonian craton: 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and tectonic implications. IV South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, Salvador-Bahia, Brazil, 24th - 27th August, 2004. Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany: European Geophysical Society.
Oliveira, M. A. F., Souza, S. C. A., Teixeira, W. and Vasconcelos, P. M. (2003). 40Ar/39Ar ages of the Aluminio (Serra do Itaberaba group) and Hermida (Itapira group) Amphibolite, central portion of the Ribeira Belt, Brazil: preliminary inferences. IV South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, Salvador-Bahia, Brazil, 24 - 27 August 2003. Brazil: Institut de Rechecher pour le Developpement.
Cohen, B. E., Vasconcelos, P. M. D. and Knesel, K. M. (2003). Tracking oligocene volcanism across Southeast Queensland. Insights into Volcanic Processes, Mantle Sampling and Gems, Central Victoria, Australia, 30 September - 4 October 2003. Sydney, Australia: Geological Society of Australia.
Vasconcelos, P. and Stone, J. (2002). Increased relief through weathering and erosion / Accroissement du relief par altération et érosion. Colloque de l'Académie des Sciences: Transferts de matiere a la surface de la Terre, Institut de France, Academie des Sciences, Paris, 16-17 December 2002.
Shuster, D. L., Farley, K. A. and Vasconcelos, P. (2002). Cosmogenic 3He in goethite. Goldschmidt Conference 2002, Davos, Switzerland, 18-23 August 2002.
Ferrari, A. L., Riccomini, C. and Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (2001). Ocorrencia de rochas vulcanicas na porcao central do graben da guanabara (RJ) e suas implicacoes para a evolucao do relevo no sudeste do Brasil. 7 Simposio de Geologia do Sudeste, Rio de Janeiro, 27 November - 1 December 2001. Rio de Janeiro: SBG-RJ/ES.
Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (2001). Geocronologia de intemperismo e a evolucao geomorfologica e paleoclimatica do nordeste da Australia. XII Semana de Geoquimica, Faro, Portugal, 9 - 12 April 2001. Faro, Portugal: Universidade do Algarve.
Teixeira, J. B. G., Vasconcelos, P.M.D. and Misi, A. (2001). Evidence of Paleoproterozoic Collage and Dispersal of Some Western Gondwana Components, with Implications for the Neoproterozoic Metallogenesis. International Geological Correlation Programme 450, Belo Horizonte, Paracutu and Minas Gerais, Brazil, 27 September - 2 October 2001. Belo Horizonte, Brazil: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico.
Vasconcelos, P. M. D., Onoe, A. T., Kawashita, K., Soares, A. J. and Teixeira, W. (2001). 40Ar/39Ar geochronology at the instituto de geociencias, USP. III South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, Pucon, Chile, 21 - 24 October 2001. Chile: Caupolican Servicios Graficos.
Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (2001). K-Ar and 40 Ar/39Ar geochronology of weathering process. Exploring the Earth - A Celebration of Four Journeys, ANU, Canberra, 20 - 23 February 2001. Canberra: Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU.
Feng, Y. and Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (2000). Quaternary geochronology by incremental heating (40)AR/(39)AR analysis of supergene. Summit 2000, Reno, Nevada, 13-16 Nov. 2000. Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America.
Conroy, M., Feng, Y., Newberry, T. and Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (2000). The suitability of alunite-group supergene sulfates to (40)AR/(39) geochronology. Summit 2000, Reno, Nevada, 13-16 Nov. 2000. Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America.
Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (2000). Supergene enrichment of ore deposits in lateritic systems. Summit 2000, Reno, Nevada, 13-16 Nov. 2000. Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America.
Vasconcelos, P. M. D. and Stone, J. O. (2000). Studies of geomorphic rates and processes with cosmogenic isotopes - examples from Australia. Goldschmidt 2000, Oxford UK, 03-08 Sept 2000. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Publications.
Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (2000). Can geochronology of weathering profiles impose constraints on erosion rates. 9th International Conference on Fission Track Dating & Thermochronology, Lorne, Victoria, 6-11 February. Sydney: Geological Society of Australia.
Feng, Y. and Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (2000). Timing of weathering by 40Ar/39Ar dating of K-Mn oxides from Mary Valley, Gympie, Queensland. FT2000, Lorne, VIC Australia, 6-11 February 2000. Mulgrave, VIC Australia: Geological Society of Australia.
Keay, S. and Vasconcelos, P. M. D. (2000). The timing of secondary uranium mineralisation and the reconstruction of ancient environments. 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6-17 August 2000.
Vasconcelos, P. M. D. and Stone, J. O. (1999). Quaternary erosion rate estimates for ancient Australian cratonic surfaces. Rio 99, Regional Conference on Geomorphology, Rio de Janeiro, 17-22 July, 1999. Rio de Janeiro: Brazilian Geomorphological Union.
Vasconcelos, P. M. D. and Stone, J. O. (1999). 40Ar/39Ar weathering ages from ancient Australian cratonic surfaces. Rio 99, Regional Conference on Geomorphology, Rio de Janeiro, 17-22 July, 1999. Rio de Janeiro: Brazilian Geomorphological Union.
Vasconcelos, P. and Kyle, J. Richard (1991). Supergene geochemistry and crystal morphology of gold in a semiarid weathering environment: application to gold exploration. 13th International Geochemical Exploration Symp ( Iges ) / 2nd Brazilian Geochemical Congress, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 1-6 October 1989. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/0375-6742(91)90034-r
Generic Document
Research Reports
Huston, D.L., Norman, M., Maas, R., Miggins, D., Thiede, D.S., Vasconcelos, P., Creaser, R., Cross, A.J., Bennett, V., Bottrill, R., Lisitsin, V., Duncan, R., Forster, D., Brauhart, C., Dhnaram, C., Champion, D.C., Czarnota, K. and Whitaker, A. (2022). Geochronological studies of selected Australian mineral deposits, 2003–2020. Canberra, ACT Australia: Geoscience Australia. doi: 10.11636/record.2022.011
Nicolson, B., Reid, A., McAvaney, S., Keeling, J., Fraser, G. and Vasconcelos, P. (2017). A Mesoproterozoic advanced argillic alteration system: 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology from Nankivel Hill, Gawler Craton. Adelaide, SA Australia: Government of South Australia.
Working Papers
Vasconcelos, Paulo M.d. (2002). Geochronology of Weathering in the Mt Isa and Charters Towers Regions, Northern Queensland. Open File Reports (OFRs). 139. CRC LEME.
Anand, R. R., Fraser, S. J., Jones, M. R., Shu, Li, Munday, T. J., Phang, C., Robertson, I. D. M., Scott, K. M., Vasconcelos, P., Wildman, J. E. and Wilford, J. (2002). Geochemical exploration in regolith dominated terrain, North Queensland. CRC LEME Open File Report. 120. Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration, Cooperative Research Centre.