Dr Kim Baublys

Researcher biography
My research aim is to better understand the hydrogeological and hydrochemical processes that occur in large sedimentary basins such as the Surat Basin in Queensland. Understanding the fluid-rock and microbial interactions that influence the composition of the groundwater and gas, allows us to better manage this natural resource use now and for the future. I achieve this by the interpretation of geochemical and isotopic data against geological context (stratigraphic and tectonic) to determine the dominant processes controlling the down-dip geochemical evolution of the groundwater and gas.
My daily focus is manager of the Stable Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory which provides stable isotope analyses (C, H, O, N, S) for researchers across UQ and Australia as well as governement and industry. As a mass spectroscopist I advise researchers on sample collection protocols how best to collect their field samples (water and gas), develop equipment, methods and offer interpretation as required.
Manager of the Stable Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory (SIGL)
SIGL is one of the 3 analytical research laboratories which comprises the Centre for Geoanalytical Mass Spectrometry (CGMS) within the School of of Earth and Environmental Sciences and offers researchers stable isotope analyses of geological, ecological and biomedical samples.
To access services see details on the laboratory websites https://sigl.earth.uq.edu.au or https://sees.uq.edu.au/research/facilities/stable-isotope-geochemistry-laboratory