Researcher biography


2016 Bachelor of Science (Hons I) (ecology)
2015 Bachelor of Arts (geography)

Project title:

Assessing climate resilience in coastal groundwater-dependent ecosystems

Project description:

My research focuses on the impact climate change will have on coastal groundwater-dependent ecosystems where over-abstraction, pollution and saline intrusion threaten the quality and availability of groundwater for ecological communities. My research aims to better predict and manage impacts to help facilitate resilience in these important ecosystems.

Dyring, M., Rodhe, M., Froend, R., Hofmann, H., (2023). Policy gaps in coastal groundwater-dependent ecosystem management. Groundwater.
Dyring, M., Hofmann, H., Stanton, D., Moss, P., & Froend, R. (2022). Ecohydrology of coastal aquifers in humid environments and implications of a drying climate. Ecohydrology, e2491.
Jones, C., Stanton, D., Hamer, N., Denner, S., Singh, K., Flook, S., Dyring, M., (2019). Field Investigations of Potential Terrestrial Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems within Australia’s Great Artesian Basin. Hydrogeology Journal. 1-25. 10.1007/s10040-019-02081-1.


Research training stipend
Post-Graduate Research Award, Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE)


Dr Harald Hofmann