Book Chapter
Williams, Samuel M., Holmes, Bonnie J., Barnett, Adam, Rogers, Troy, Fetterplace, Lachlan, Middleton, Heather, Mitchell, Jonathan, Sih, Tiffany, Harasti, David, Sheaves, Marcus, Henderson, Christopher J., Tibbetts, Ian R., Mitchell, Laurie , Martin, Tyson, Pepperell, Julian, Moore, Andy, Skelton, Megan, Taylor, Matthew, Gilby, Ben L., Chargulaf, Craig, Cortesi, Fabio, Currey-Randall, Leanne M., Tracey, Sean, Rabbitt, Sheridan and Campbell, Matthew (2022). Marine fishes. Wildlife research in Australia: practical and applied methods. (pp. 519-542) edited by Bradley Smith, Helen Waudby, Corinne Alberthsen and Jordan Hampton. Clayton South, VIC, Australia: CSIRO Publishing. doi: 10.1071/9781486313457
Journal Articles
Rabbitt, Sheridan, Lilley, Ian, Albert, Simon, Albert, Joelle and Tibbetts, Ian (2023). The importance of nutrition-sensitive fisheries management: Women's dietary diversity in Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 13 (1), 1-17. doi: 10.5304/jafscd.2023.131.004
Rabbitt, Sheridan, Tibbetts, Ian R., Albert, Simon and Lilley, Ian (2022). Testing a model to assess women’s inclusion and participation in community-based resource management in Solomon Islands. Maritime Studies, 21 (4), 1-19. doi: 10.1007/s40152-022-00282-1
Smallhorn-West, Patrick, Cohen, Philippa J., Kukiti, Elton, Rabbitt, Sheridan, Rikio, Alik, Sori, Frederick, Tapala, Scotta, Warren, Regon, Boso, Delvene and Foale, Simon (2022). Ten years of dynamic co-management of a multi-species reef fishery. Coral Reefs, 41 (5), 1449-1464. doi: 10.1007/s00338-022-02294-z
Rabbitt, Sheridan, Lilley, Ian, Albert, Simon and Tibbetts, Ian R. (2019). What's the catch in who fishes? Fisherwomen's contributions to fisheries an food security in Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands. Marine Policy, 108 103667, 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103667
Rabbitt, Sheridan, Lilley, Ian, Albert, Simon and Tibbetts, Ian R. (2019). Fishing for cash – village attitudes towards fish exports in Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands. Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin, 30-33.
Rabbitt, Sheridan Grace (2023). Nutritional security, gender, and community-based fisheries management in the Pacific: a case study from Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands. PhD Thesis, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/055cc13