Associate Professor Elin Charles-Edwards
Director of Teaching and Learning & Associate Professor in Human Geography
School of the Environment
+61 7 336 56515
Chamberlain Building (35), Room 534

Researcher biography
Dr Elin Charles-Edwards is a population geographer and demographer. Her research is focused on understanding patterns, processes and determinants of human migration and mobility and its impacts on local and regional populations.
Book Chapters
Charles-Edwards, Elin (2023). Population geographies. Concise encyclopedia of human geography. (pp. 286-291) edited by Loretta Lees and David Demeritt. London, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781800883499.ch55
Bernard, Aude, Bell, Martin, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Zhu, Yu (2020). Understanding internal migration: a conceptual framework. Internal migration in the countries of Asia: a cross-national comparison. (pp. 15-30) edited by Martin Bell, Aude Bernard, Elin Charles-Edwards and Yu Zhu. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-44010-7_2
Bell, Martin, Bernard, Aude, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Ke, Wenqian (2020). Comparative measures of internal migration. Internal migration in the countries of Asia. (pp. 31-48) edited by Martin Bell, Aude Bernard, Elin Charles-Edwards and Yu Zhu. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-44010-7_3
Bell, Martin, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Bernard, Aude (2020). Conclusions. Internal migration in the countries of Asia: a cross-national comparison. (pp. 385-409) edited by Martin Bell, Aude Bernard, Elin Charles-Edwards and Yu Zhu. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-44010-7_19
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Bell, Martin, Bernard, Aude and Zhu, Yu (2020). IMAGE-Asia: an introduction. Internal migration in the countries of Asia. (pp. 3-13) edited by Martin Bell, Aude Bernard, Elin Charles-Edwards and Yu Zhu. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-44010-7_1
Saunders, Megan I., Runting, Rebecca K., Charles-Edwards, Elin, Syktus, Jozef and Leon, Javier (2019). Moreton Bay and catchment: projected changes to population, climate, sea-level and ecosystems. Moreton Bay Quandamooka and catchment: past, present and future. (pp. 245-256) edited by Ian R. Tibbetts, Peter C. Rothlisberg, David T. Neil, Tamara A. Homburg, David T. Brewer and Angela H. Arthington. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Moreton Bay Foundation.
Bell, Martin, Wilson, Tom, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Ueffing, Philipp (2018). Australia: the long-run decline in internal migration intensities. Internal migration in the developed world: are we becoming less mobile?. (pp. 147-172) edited by Tony Champion, Thomas Cooke and Ian Shuttleworth. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315589282-7
Bell, Martin, Charles-Edwards, Elin, Bernard, Aude and Ueffing, Philipp (2018). Global trends in internal migration. Internal migration in the developed world: are we becoming less mobile?. (pp. 76-97) edited by Tony Champion, Thomas Cooke and Ian Shuttleworth. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315589282-4
Sander, Nikola and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2017). Internal and international migration. Africa's Population: In Search of a Demographic Dividend. (pp. 333-349) edited by Hans Groth and John F. May. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-46889-1_21
Wilson, Tom, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Bell, Martin (2016). Demography for Planning and Policy: Australian Case Studies Introduction. Demography for Planning and Policy: Australian Case Studies. (pp. 1-6) edited by Wilson, T., CharlesEdwards, E. and Bell, M.. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-22135-9_1
Charles-Edwards, Elin (2016). The estimation of temporary populations in Australia. Demography for planning and policy: Australian case studies. (pp. 31-49) edited by Tom Wilson, Elin Charles-Edwards and Martin Bell. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-22135-9_3
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Muhidin, Salut, Bell, Martin and Zhu, Yu (2016). Migration in Asia. International handbook of migration and population distribution. (pp. 269-284) edited by Michael J. White. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-7282-2_13
Norman, Paul, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Wilson, Tom (2016). Relationships between population change, deprivation change and health change at small area level: Australia 2001-2011. Demography for planning and policy: Australian case studies. (pp. 197-214) edited by Tom Wilson, Elin Charles-Edwards and Martin Bell. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-22135-9_11
Holmes, J., Bell, M. and Charles-Edwards, E. (2006). Growth, stability or decline? The variable population dynamics of Queensland's communities: 1971-2001. Queensland Geographical Perspectives. (pp. 5-29) edited by Iraphne R. W. Childs and Brian J. Hudson. Milton, Brisbane: The Royal Geographical Society of Queensland, Inc..
Journal Articles
Zou, Zhenpeng, Sigler, Thomas, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Corcoran, Jonathan (2025). Diving or thriving? How COVID-19 reshaped Australian short-term rental submarkets. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. doi: 10.1177/23998083251324268
Wilson, Tom, Temple, Jeromey and Charles‐Edwards, Elin (2025). New Household Projections for Australia: Geographical Variations, Decomposition of Growth, and Implications for Policy. Population, Space and Place, 31 (2) e70000, 2. doi: 10.1002/psp.70000
Bernard, Aude, Perales, Francisco, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Bacquet-Carlier, Sasha (2024). Residential mobility responses to home damage caused by floods, cyclones and bushfires in Australia. Population and Environment, 46 (4) 29. doi: 10.1007/s11111-024-00470-7
Borsellino, Rosabella, Charles‐Edwards, Elin, Bernard, Aude and Corcoran, Jonathan (2024). Understanding the association between (im)mobility and life satisfaction in Australia. Population, Space and Place, 30 (8) e2820, 1-17. doi: 10.1002/psp.2820
Zou, Zhenpeng, Sigler, Thomas, Corcoran, Jonathan and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2024). Reset or renaissance? An exploratory comparison of pre- and post-pandemic regional short-term rental markets in Australia. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 11 (1), 614-631. doi: 10.1080/21681376.2024.2402479
Wang, Ying and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2024). The ontology, measurement, and features of temporary internal migration in selected countries of Asia. Asian Population Studies, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1-20. doi: 10.1080/17441730.2024.2363024
Sigler, T., Zou, Z., Corcoran, J. and Charles‐Edwards, E. (2023). Spatio‐temporal variation in the bid–rent functions of long‐term and short‐term rentals: evidence from South‐East Queensland, Australia. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 115 (1), 42-63. doi: 10.1111/tesg.12588
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Bernard, Aude, Rowe, Francisco and Abel, Guy (2023). International migration and development: The changing impact of migration on redistributing global population. International Migration Review. doi: 10.1177/01979183231175114
Kalemba, Sunganani V., Bernard, Aude, Corcoran, Jonathan and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2022). Has the decline in the intensity of internal migration been accompanied by changes in reasons for migration?. Journal of Population Research, 39 (3), 279-313. doi: 10.1007/s12546-022-09285-5
Borsellino, Rosabella, Bernard, Aude, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Corcoran, Jonathan (2022). A regional renaissance? The shifting geography of internal migration under COVID-19. Australian Geographer, 53 (4), 1-19. doi: 10.1080/00049182.2022.2074622
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Corcoran, Jonathan, Loginova, Julia, Panczak, Radoslaw, White, Gentry and Whitehead, Alexander (2021). A data fusion approach to the estimation of temporary populations: an application to Australia. PLoS One, 16 (11) e0259377, e0259377. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0259377
Sobyra, Robert, Sigler, Thomas and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2021). Unbalanced growth in the labourscape: explaining regional employment divergence. Regional Studies, 56 (7), 1-12. doi: 10.1080/00343404.2021.1972958
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Wilson, Tom, Bernard, Aude and Wohland, Pia (2021). How will COVID-19 impact Australia’s future population? A scenario approach. Applied Geography, 134 102506, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2021.102506
Charles-Edwards, Elin (2021). Living in more than one place: capturing dual-local lives in the 2026 Census. Australian Population Studies, 5 (1), 3-8. doi: 10.37970/aps.v5i1.75
Sigler, Thomas, Mahmuda, Sirat, Kimpton, Anthony, Loginova, Julia, Wohland, Pia, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Corcoran, Jonathan (2021). The socio-spatial determinants of COVID-19 diffusion: the impact of globalisation, settlement characteristics and population. Globalization and Health, 17 (1) 56, 56. doi: 10.1186/s12992-021-00707-2
Wilson, Tom, Charles-Edwards, Elin, Corcoran, Jonathan, Loginova, Julia and Martinus, Kirsten (2021). Introduction to the census questions special issue. Australian Population Studies, 5 (1), 1-2. doi: 10.37970/aps.v5i1.74
Borsellino, Rosabella, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Corcoran, Jonathan (2021). A toolkit for measuring visitation in third places. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 14 (3), 547-562. doi: 10.1007/s12061-020-09372-1
Borsellino, Rosabella, Charles-Edwards, Elin, Bernard, Aude and Corcoran, Jonathan (2021). Forty years of internal migration in Australian regions: a sequence analysis of net migration, turnover, and retention. Australian Geographer, 52 (4), 425-452. doi: 10.1080/00049182.2021.2018772
Wilson, Tom, Temple, Jeromey and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2021). Will the COVID-19 pandemic affect population ageing in Australia?. Journal of Population Research, 39 (4), 1-15. doi: 10.1007/s12546-021-09255-3
Panczak, Radoslaw, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Corcoran, Jonathan (2020). Estimating temporary populations: a systematic review of the empirical literature. Palgrave Communications, 6 (1) 87. doi: 10.1057/s41599-020-0455-y
Panczak, Radoslaw, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Corcoran, Jonathan (2020). Correction to: Estimating temporary populations: a systematic review of the empirical literature (Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, (2020), 6, 1, (87), 10.1057/s41599-020-0455-y). Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7 (1) 115. doi: 10.1057/s41599-020-00538-3
Kalemba, Sunganani Violet, Bernard, Aude, Charles‐Edwards, Elin and Corcoran, Jonathan (2020). Decline in internal migration levels in Australia: compositional or behavioural effect?. Population, Space and Place, 27 (7) e2341, e2341. doi: 10.1002/psp.2341
Carvalho, Rodrigo Coelho de and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2020). The evolution of spatial networks of migration in Brazil between 1980 and 2010. Population, Space and Place, 26 (7) e2332, e2332. doi: 10.1002/psp.2332
Charles-Edwards, Elias, Bell, Martin, Panczak, Radoslaw and Corcoran, Jonathan (2020). A framework for official temporary population statistics. Journal of Official Statistics, 36 (1), 1-24. doi: 10.2478/JOS-2020-0001
Carvalho, Rodrigo Coelho de and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2019). Os fluxos migratórios entre os níveis da hierarquia urbana brasileira no período 1980-2010. Revista Brasileira de Estudos de População, 36 e0087, 1-19. doi: 10.20947/s0102-3098a0087
Arringer, Renee, Sigler, Thomas and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2019). Residential concentration patterns of immigrant groups in Australia’s major cities. Australian Population Studies, 3 (2), 41-44. doi: 10.37970/aps.v3i2.54
Rowe, Francisco, Bell, Martin, Bernard, Aude, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Ueffing, Philipp (2019). Impact of internal migration on population redistribution in Europe: urbanisation, counterurbanisation or spatial equilibrium?. Comparative Population Studies, 44, 201-234. doi: 10.12765/CPoS-2019-18en
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Bell, Martin, Bernard, Aude and Zhu, Yu (2019). Internal migration in the countries of Asia: levels, ages and spatial impacts. Asian Population Studies, 15 (2), 150-171. doi: 10.1080/17441730.2019.1619256
Alghais, Nayef, Pullar, David and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2018). Accounting for peoples’ preferences in establishing new cities: a spatial model of population migration in Kuwait. PLoS ONE, 13 (12) e0209065, e0209065. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209065
Sigler, Thomas, Lieske, Scott N., Charles-Edwards, Elin and Corcoran, Jonathan (2018). Why do a PhD in geography? A sympathetic response to ‘the career aspirations and expectations of geography students’. Geographical Research, 56 (4), 479-483. doi: 10.1111/1745-5871.12307
Hilder, Jason, Charles-Edwards, Elin, Sigler, Thomas and Metcalf, Bill (2018). Housemates, inmates and living mates: communal living in Australia. Australian Planner, 55 (1), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/07293682.2018.1494612
Charles-Edwards, Elin and Panczak, Radoslaw (2018). Elsewhere in Australia: a snapshot of temporary mobility on the night of the 2016 Census. Australian Population Studies, 2 (1), 14-25. doi: 10.37970/aps.v2i1.22
Wilson, Tom and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2017). The regional pattern of Australia's largest overseas-born populations. Regional Studies Regional Science, 4 (1), 227-231. doi: 10.1080/21681376.2017.1387601
Safra de Campos, Ricardo, Bell, Martin and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2017). Collecting and analysing data on climate-related local mobility: the MISTIC toolkit. Population, Space and Place, 23 (6) e2037. doi: 10.1002/psp.2037
Bernard, Aude, Rowe, Francisco, Bell, Martin, Ueffing, Philipp and Charles-Edwards, Elim (2017). Comparing internal migration across the countries of Latin America: a multidimensional approach. PLoS One, 12 (3) e0173895, 1-24. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0173895
Rees, Philip, Bell, Martin, Kupiszewski, Marek, Kupiszewska, Dorota, Ueffing, Philipp, Bernard, Aude, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Stillwell, John (2016). The impact of internal migration on population redistribution: an international comparison. Population Space and Place, 23 (6) e2036, e2036. doi: 10.1002/psp.2036
Stillwell, J., Bell, M., Ueffing, P., Daras, K., Charles-Edwards, E., Kupiszewski, M. and Kupiszewska, D. (2016). Internal migration around the world: comparing distance travelled and its frictional effect. Environment and Planning A, 48 (8), 1657-1675. doi: 10.1177/0308518X16643963
Bernard, Aude, Bell, Martin and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2016). Internal migration age patterns and the transition to adulthood: Australia and Great Britain compared. Journal of Population Research, 33 (2), 123-146. doi: 10.1007/s12546-016-9157-0
Bell, Martin, Charles-Edwards, Elin, Ueffing, Philipp, Stillwell, John, Kupiszewski, Marek and Kupiszewska, Dorota (2015). Internal migration and development: comparing migration intensities around the world. Population and Development Review, 41 (1), 33-58. doi: 10.1111/j.1728-4457.2015.00025.x
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Wilson, Tom and Sander, Nikola (2015). Visualizing Australian internal and international migration flows. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2 (1), 432-434. doi: 10.1080/21681376.2015.1066267
Corcoran, Jonathan, Li, Tiebei, Rohde, David, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Mateo-Babiano, Derlie (2014). Spatio-temporal patterns of a Public Bicycle Sharing Program: the effect of weather and calendar events. Journal of Transport Geography, 41, 292-305. doi: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.09.003
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Bell, Martin and Corcoran, Jonathan (2014). Greening the commute: assessing the impact of the Eleanor Schonell ‘Green’ Bridge on travel to the University of Queensland, Australia. Urban Policy and Research, 33 (1), 61-78. doi: 10.1080/08111146.2014.924921
Bernard, Aude, Bell, Martin and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2014). Life-course transitions and the age profile of internal migration. Population and Development Review, 40 (2), 213-239. doi: 10.1111/j.1728-4457.2014.00671.x
Bernard, Aude, Bell, Martin and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2014). Improved measures for the cross-national comparison of age profiles of internal migration. Population Studies, 68 (2), 179-195. doi: 10.1080/00324728.2014.890243
Bell, Martin, Charles-Edwards, Elin, Kupiszewska, Dorota, Kupiszewski, Marek, Stillwell, John and Zhu, Yu (2014). Internal migration data around the world: assessing contemporary practice. Population, Space and Place, 21 (1), 1-17. doi: 10.1002/psp.1848
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Bell, Martin and Corcoran, Jonathan (2014). Integrating undergraduate fieldwork into the study of human mobility. Australian Geographer, 45 (4), 505-519. doi: 10.1080/00049182.2014.953734
Charles-Edwards, Elin and Bell, Martin (2013). Seasonal flux in Australia's population geography: linking space and time. Population, Space and Place, 21 (2), 103-123. doi: 10.1002/psp.1814
Charles-Edwards, Elin and Bell, Martin (2013). Estimating the service population of a large metropolitan university campus. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 6 (3), 209-228. doi: 10.1007/s12061-012-9079-y
Bell, Martin, Wilson, Tom and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2011). Australia’s population future: Probabilistic forecasts incorporating expert judgement. Geographical Research, 49 (3), 261-275. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-5871.2011.00702.x
Bell, Martin, Charles-Edwards, Elin, Wilson, Tom and Cooper, Jim (2010). Demographic futures for South East Queensland. Australian Planner, 47 (3), 126-134. doi: 10.1080/07293682.2010.509028
Elin Charles-Edwards, Bell, Martin J. and Brown, Dominic S. (2008). Where People Move and When: Temporary Population Mobility in Australia. People and Place, 16 (1), 21-30.
Conference Papers
Khanal, Anurodh, Edwards, Elin Charles and Corcoran, Jonathan (2019). Walking behaviours in older adults: a GPS-based survey in Brisbane. 41st Australasian Transport Research Forum, ATRF 2019, Canberra, Australia, 30 September - 2 October 2019. Canberra, Australia: ATRF, Commonwealth of Australia.
Safra de Campos, R., Bell, M., Charles-Edwards, E. and McNamara, K. (2014). Living with drought: Understanding the role of mobility in livelihood strategies to cope with climatic variability. APA Biennial Conference 2014, Hobart, TAS Australia, 3-5 December 2014.
Elin Charles-Edwards and Bell, Martin J. (2009). A Simulation Approach to Modelling Temporary Population. 26th International Population Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 27 Sep - 2 Oct 2009. Princeton, NJ: The Office of Population Research at Princeton University.
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Brown, Dominic S. and Bell, Martin J. (2007). The determinants of temporary population mobility in Australia: A Poisson regression analysis. 4th International Conference on Population Geographies, Hong Kong, 10-13 July, 2007.
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Bell, Martin and Brown, Dominic (2006). Capturing temporal fluctuations in small area populations: Towards a methodology for the estimation of service populations. European Population Conference 2006, Liverpool, England, 21-24 June, 2006.
Charles-Edwards, E., Bell, M. J. and Brown, D. S. (2006). Spatial aspects of visitor seasonality: The case of Australia. International Geographical Union Congress, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, 3-7 July, 2006.
Charles-Edwards, E, Brown, D S and Bell, M J (2006). Factors affecting the timing and magnitude of temporary moves in Australia: A poisson-regression analysis. 13th Biennial Conference of the Australian Population Ass., Adelaide, Australia, 5-8 December, 2006.
Charles-Edwards, E and Bell, M J (2006). Have work, will travel: Work-related temporary mobility in Australia. Third International Population Geographies Conference, Liverpool, England, 18-20 June 2006.
Elin Charles-Edwards (2011). Modelling Flux: Towards the Estimation of Small Area Temporary Populations in Australia. PhD Thesis, School of Geography, Planning & Env Management, The University of Queensland.
Department Technical Report
Charles-Edwards, Elin (2004). Preliminary Analysis of the Degree and Patterns of Seasonal Mobility within Australia. Discussion Paper no. 2004/03. Queensland Centre for Population Research, School of Geography, Planning and Architecture, The University of Queensland.
Working Papers
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Zheng, Shuangshuang, Wyeth, Stephanie, Hensley, Melissa and Sigler, Thomas (2022). Housing demand in Queensland: Ageing and Regional Change. School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia.
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Bell, Martin, Bernard, Aude and Yu, Zhu (2017). Internal migration in the countries of Asia: Levels, ages, and spatial impacts. ADRI Working Paper. ADRI-WP-2017/001. Asian Demographic Research Institute, Shanghai University.
Bell, Martin and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2014). Measuring internal migration around the globe: a comparative analysis. KNOMAD Working Paper. 3. The Queensland Centre for Population Research, The University of Queensland, The World Bank.
Research Reports
Reddel, Tim, Porter, Dave, Verstege, Emily, Charles-Edwards, Elin, Curry, Matthew, Lam, Jack, Fullerton, Ken and Evans, Sally (2021). Queensland’s Homelessness Response to COVID-19 – Post Implementation Review. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Institute for Social Science Research.
Reddel, Tim, Verstege, Emily, Dave Porter, Charles-Edwards, Elin, Kubler, Matthias, Ahmad, Shabbir, Lam, Jack and Fullerton, Ken (2021). COVID-19 Residential Tenancies Response – Post Implementation Review. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Institute for Social Science Research.
Aude Bernard, Elin Charles-Edwards, Maximiliano Alvarez, Pia Wohland, Julia Loginova and Sunganani Kalemba (2020). Anticipating the impact of COVID-19 on Internal Migration. Canberra: Center for Population, Commonwealth Department of Treasury.
Tim Reddel, Dave Porter, Emily Verstege, Laurel Johnson, Stephanie Wyeth, Elin Charles-Edwards, Jack Lam and Ken Fullerton (2020). Interim Progress Analysis for the evaluation of the Queensland Housing Strategy 2017-2027. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Department of Housing and Public Works.
Emily Verstege, Tim Reddel, Mark Western, Laurel Johnson, Stephanie Wyeth, Elin Charles-Edwards, Jack Lam, Caroline Salom, Dave Porter and Andrew Hawkins (2020). Evaluation of the Queensland Housing Strategy 2017-2027: Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Institute for Social Science Research.
Tim Reddel, Emily Verstege, Dave Porter, Laurel Johnson, Stephanie Wyeth, Elin Charles-Edwards, Jack Lam and Ken Fullerton (2020). Queensland Housing Strategy: Evaluation of Action Plan 1 – Interim Analysis. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Institute for Social Science Research.
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Bell, Martin, Cooper, Jim and Bernard, Aude (2018). Population shift: Understanding internal migration in Australia. Canberra, ACT Australia: Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Bell, Martin and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2013). Cross-national comparisons of internal migration: an update of global patterns and trends. Population Division Technical Paper 2013/1 New York, NY, United States: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division.
Holmes, John, Charles-Edwards, Elin and Bell, Martin (2005). Population Dynamics in Rural and Remote Queensland. Brisbane, Qld: Queensland Centre for Population Research, School of Geography, Planning and Architecture, The University of Queensland.
Newspaper Articles
Charles-Edwards, Elin, Bernard, Aude, Wohland, Pia and Wilson, Tom (2020, August 06). 1.4 million less than projected: how coronavirus could hit Australia’s population in the next 20 years. The Conversation, p.1-1.
Sigler, Thomas and Charles-Edwards, Elin (2019, 03 19). Married at First Sight’s closer to reality than you’d think, demographically speaking at least The Conversation