Book Chapter
Di Corleto, Ross and Britton, Jodie (2024). The Thermal Environment. Principles of Occupational Health and Hygiene. (pp. 431-458) London: CRC Press. doi: 10.1201/9781032645841-16
Journal Articles
Ponsonby, Will and Di Corleto, Ross (2024). Climate change and heat stress. Occupational Medicine-Oxford, 74 (2), 138-139. doi: 10.1093/occmed/kqad129
Varghese, Blesson M., Hansen, Alana L., Williams, Susan, Bi, Peng, Hanson-Easey, Scott, Barnett, Adrian G., Heyworth, Jane S., Sim, Malcolm R., Rowett, Shelley, Nitschke, Monika, Di Corleto, Ross and Pisaniello, Dino L. (2020). Heat-related injuries in Australian workplaces: Perspectives from health and safety representatives. Safety Science, 126 104651, 1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104651
Varghese, Blesson M., Hansen, Alana L., Williams, Susan, Bi, Peng, Hanson-Easey, Scott, Barnett, Adrian G., Heyworth, Jane S., Sim, Malcolm R., Rowett, Shelley, Nitschke, Monika, Di Corleto, Ross and Pisaniello, Dino L. (2020). Determinants of heat-related injuries in Australian workplaces: Perceptions of health and safety professionals. Science of the Total Environment, 718 137138, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137138