School of the Environment staff and HDR candidates have access to an outstanding range of specialised facilities and laboratories that support research across our disciplines.

Our laboratories house modern infrastructure and are staffed by highly qualified colleagues. In addition to enabling core research, the laboratories also provide analytical capabilities to support the areas of:

  • mineral and hydrocarbon exploration
  • environmental chemistry
  • toxicology
  • medical and forensic research.

Take a virtual tour

To get a 360-degree view of our extensive range of equipment, take a virtual tour.

To start the tour:

  1. select the link below
  2. follow the instructions in the pop-up window
  3. select the facility you want to tour from the Tour Index menu.

Take a virtual tour

Note: you will need to partially download high-resolution images that contain large amounts of data (up to 150MB in total). Users with accessibility issues may have difficulty with these tours.

Contact us

Contact details for each laboratory are listed on their individual web pages, but if you can't find what you’re looking for, email us at